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But if they threatened danger, it was a danger that disappeared the instant he turned and faced it leaving nothing behind but the evanescent memory of a memory, such as will sometimes remain from a dream about a dream. Another year had passed before he learned what Miss Jarrott's words were to mean to him.

It was in this light that he viewed the matter when he accepted Miss Jarrott's invitations now to lunch, now to dinner, now to a seat in their box at the opera or in their carriage in the park during the rest of the time he remained in town.

Jarrott," he said, making himself comfortable, while she moved the tea-table in front of her. "He wrote to me, partly as Stephens and Jarrott's legal adviser, and partly as a friend." He allowed that information time to sink in before continuing. "He tells me Miss Jarrott is on her way home, with Evie." "Yes; Evie herself wrote me that. I got the letter at Cherbourg."

As the large party talked at the top of its lungs, Miriam's quiet voice, with its liquid, almost contralto, quality, reached her companion's ears unheard by others. She began with Bishop Endsleigh who was on Miss Jarrott's right. Then came Mrs. Stephen Colfax; after her Mr. Endsleigh Jarrott, who had on his right Mrs. Reginald Pole. Mrs.

It seemed a long time before Mr Jarrott spoke the natural harshness of his voice softened by his quiet manner. "You're in charge of this gang?" "Yes, sir." There was an embarrassed pause. As though not knowing what to say next, Mr. Jarrott's gaze travelled down the length of the shed to where the Italians, rubbing their sleepy eyes, were preparing for work again. "You're an American, I believe?"

He felt that he stumbled blindly as he crossed the bit of greensward in Miss Jarrott's wake; and yet he kept his head sufficiently to know that he was breaking his rules, contradicting his past, and putting himself in peril.

For testimony as to his life and character in the Argentine she had the evidence of Miss Jarrott, while on the subject of his business abilities no small point with a New York business man, as she was astute enough to see there could be no better authority than Conquest himself, who, as Stephens and Jarrott's American legal adviser, had had ample opportunity of judging.

As the only guest he found himself seated on Mrs. Jarrott's right, and opposite Miss Queenie Jarrott, the sister of the head of the house. The host, as his manner was, spoke little.

Still a few weeks were to pass, and it was early in the new year before Uncle Jarrott's cablegram arrived with the three words, "If you like." Miriam received the information at the opera, where she had been suddenly called on to take the place of Miss Jarrott, laid low with "one of her headaches."