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Filing out of the battery, the marines lined the bank on one side, and the sailors, other than those who were to work the guns, on the other. Some of the sailors climbed over the front wall and with their jackknives cut away the boughs in front of the guns. There was silence on board the prahus, where the Malays had dropped off to sleep a couple of hours before daylight. Mr.

The boys dug up various roots with their jackknives; but they both knew the taste of sarsaparilla, and could not be deceived. "We hain't come to it yet," said Peter; "but it's round here somewheres, I'll bet a dollar." "I'm getting hungry," said Horace: "isn't it about time for the dinner-bell to ring?"

The top of the can answered for a frying pan in which to melt our caribou tallow and pemmican when we wanted our ration hot, and as a plate. Tent pegs were cut with our jackknives and the tent stretched between two trees, which avoided the necessity of tent poles.

"Here's one, Sampson," said Hawkes, offering one of the square-bladed jackknives used in the navy. "All right, Hawkes. Now, will you stand up and rip these wet duds off me? I can't get 'em off with the darbies in the way." Hawkes stood up and obeyed him. Soon the dripping garments fell away, and Sampson rubbed himself dry with a towel, while Hawkes sleepily turned in.

"Well, I I wanted to relieve you as much as possible," he exclaimed, wondering if she knew how many boats he had built for the boys, and how many jackknives he had broken in the process. "Do you know? I think I shall be actually lonely when they are gone," declared Mrs. Wentworth, without looking up. The man threw a sharp glance at his wife. "So shall I," he said.

The schoolroom was long, narrow, and low; it was ceiled with dark oak, and had Gothic windows. The desks were black and irregular, covered with the names and initials which the boys had cut with their jackknives. In the corners were what might be called boxes, where sat the masters one of them Eugene Aram, the criminal made famous in one of Bulwer's romances.