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"Tis the place the faeries live in, an' 'tis in Irelan'. Sure, 'tis easy gettin' the cap," continued Bridget, with conviction. "All ye need do is to say afther me, 'I wish I wish for the wee red cap, an' ye have it." Bridget extended her hands, palms upward, and the others followed her example; and together they whispered: "I wish I wish for the wee red cap."

"Sure, an' it could be buyin' a grand home in Irelan', the same," Bridget beamed; and then she added, struck forcibly with an afterthought: "But what would be the sense of a home anywheres but here furninst within easy reach of a crutch or a wheeled chair? Tell me that!" Sandy grunted ambiguously; and Bridget took up again the thread of her recounting.

"Listen, John, there were two men that might have done big things in Irelan' and Englan' Parnell an' Lord Randolph Churchill, an' they didn't because they weren't gentlemen. They couldn't control themselves. There isn't a house in Ulster that hasn't got the photographs of those two men in some album...." "Parnell?" Marsh exclaimed. "Aye, Parnell.

Everybody has a nature, an' I have mine, an' bedam to it!" "What do you want me to do?" Marsh asked, putting his exercises together. "I want you to try an' put some big wish into his heart," Mr. Quinn replied. "Try an' make him as eager about Irelan' as you are. I want him to spend himself for something that's bigger than he is, instead of spendin' himself on something that's smaller than he is."

"Ye could never be guessin' half o' the sthrange adventures we'll be havin'! Like as not Sandy 'll be gettin' his hump lifted off him. I mind the story me mother often told it me. There was a humpy back in Irelan', once, who went always about wi' song in his heart an' another on his lips; an' one day he fetched up inside a faery rath.

"Ma," she whispered, "I've heard o' fun'rals in Irelan' where they passed around refreshments d'ye reckin this is goin' to be that kind? I'm gittin' pow'ful hungry." "Let us trust that the Lord will have it so," said her mother devoutly.

Jefferson then declared that he would have permitted the King to reign, believing that with the restraints thrown around him, he would have made a successful monarch. SAYINGS OF THOMAS JEFFERSON. From the Life of Jefferson, by Dr. Irelan. Harmony in the marriage state is the very first object to be aimed at.