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His knowledge came chiefly from experience and instinct. He had an insinuating and persuasive way with him he must have been an ideal pedler." "What if he had been a Catholic, and thoroughly sanctified?" "He could have been nothing but a hermit like those of the fourth century he was naturally and constitutionally so odd.

He was succeeded by Sunderland, who was also appointed one of the Lords Justices, not without much murmuring from various quarters. To the Tories Sunderland was an object of unmixed detestation. Some of the Whig leaders had been unable to resist his insinuating address; and others were grateful for the services which he had lately rendered to the party.

I think this will do, my worthy neighbour! I think he should stand committed? 'You are by far the best judge, Sir Robert, said Glossin, in his most insinuating tone; 'but if I might presume to hint, there was something about these smugglers. 'Very true, good sir.

Anthony, in the most adroit and insinuating manner, almost compelled a certain degree of confidence or at least admission that there was not and never could be, any interior conjunction between herself and husband. Mrs. Anthony was a highly intellectual and cultivated woman, with fascinating manners, a strong will, and singularly fine conversational powers.

More insinuating and enlightened than Anet, I possessed neither his coolness, fortitude, nor commanding strength of character, which I must have had in order to succeed. Neither did the young man possess those qualities which Anet found in me; such as gentleness, gratitude, and above all, the knowledge of a want of his instructions, and an ardent desire to render them useful.

We believe our readers may understand, that although we have ourselves taken the liberty of insinuating that little Solomon, as M'Loughlin called him, was not precisely but we beg pardon, it is time enough to speak of that yet.

"You are not insinuating that they have been fighting?" she asked, with a tremble in her voice which she could not control. But Valonne reassured her. "I am insinuating nothing," he said, with a calm smile. "Let us have one more turn before this charming valse stops." And, limp and nerveless, Tamara allowed herself to be whirled around the room; nor could she get anything further out of Valonne.

Armed with these insinuating documents I procured a fresh roll of one hundred one-dollar bills and set forth to interview all whose acquaintance I had made in the course of my brief residence in the city. My argument ran thus: Almost anybody would be willing to receive a dollar every month in return for a service that would cost him nothing.

In an insinuating voice she began to tell him a long story of how a lady, whom she was not at liberty to name, one of the most distinguished ladies in Plassans, who had suddenly met with a reverse of fortune, had been obliged to part with one of her jewels; and she then enlarged on the splendid chance a piece of jewelry that had cost twelve hundred francs, and she was willing to let it go for five hundred.

Was not civilisation a mistake, and religion the insinuating delusion designed to cover it up; or, if not designed, accepted by the original few who saw that humanity could not turn back, and must even go forward with illusions, lest in mere despair all men died and the world died with them?