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The silence which followed indicated that the hearers did know the Squire well enough to appreciate the force of Abner's remarks, and that the contingencies which they suggested were inducive of serious reflections. It was Jabez Flint, the Tory, who effected a diversion by observing dryly,

Grewgious, breaking the blank silence which of course ensued: though why these pauses SHOULD come upon us when we have performed any small social rite, not directly inducive of self-examination or mental despondency, who can tell? 'Let us follow you, sir, said Bazzard, 'and have the picture. 'Mr. Edwin will correct it where it's wrong, resumed Mr.

We all remembered very distinctly Bulger's advent in Rattlesnake Camp. It was during the rainy season a season singularly inducive to settled reflective impressions as we sat and smoked around the stove in Mosby's grocery.

'It seemed distant as El Dorado, and as desirable. Mallinson responded with the gentle smile with which a man recognises and pities a childishness he has himself outgrown. Drake ordered port, having great faith in its qualities, as inducive of a cat-like content and consequent good-fellowship.

Those used by the Allies were lumps of pure Carolinum, painted on the outside with unoxidised cydonator inducive enclosed hermetically in a case of membranium.

What happened when the celluloid stud was opened was that the inducive oxidised and became active. Then the surface of the Carolinum began to degenerate. This degeneration passed only slowly into the substance of the bomb. A moment or so after its explosion began it was still mainly an inert sphere exploding superficially, a big, inanimate nucleus wrapped in flame and thunder.

"For de ladi de chocolate. Ith it not?" said Brother Demetrius, with an inducive smile. "It ith de betht in de worl', dis chocolate." "Don't you believe him," said Brother Eusebius, "he's known as the oldest of the Roman frauds. Wants your money, that's what he wants." Brother Demetrius shook his fist in amicable, wagging protest. "That's the way he goes on, you know quarrelsome old party.

The Central European bombs were the same, except that they were larger and had a more complicated arrangement for animating the inducive.

The lingering, but faint perfume wafted here from God's open world to die in this man-made town inspired in the youth thoughts and desires that had been struggling within him for expression for days past. "I know what I want," said Hiram Strong, aloud. "I want to get back to the land!" The progress of the day was not inducive to a hopeful outlook for Hiram.

And the very atmosphere of the place, laden as it was with the snores of the sleepers, was inducive of this. No wonder, then, that after a while Bob's head sunk upon his breast; presently his hat fell off, the extinguished pipe dropped from his mouth, and the next moment he lay out on the chest as tranquil as an infant.