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Indeed, these two birds so much resemble each other in color, form, manner, voice, and general habits that, were it not for the difference in size, the grosbeak being nearly as large again as the indigo-bird, it would be a hard matter to tell them apart. The females of both species are clad in the same reddish-brown suits. So are the young the first season.

The nests with eggs were far less elaborate and compact than the earlier nests, from which the young had flown. Day after day, as I go to a certain piece of woods, I observe a male indigo-bird sitting on precisely the same part of a high branch, and singing in his most vivacious style. As I approach he ceases to sing, and, flirting his tail right and left with marked emphasis, chirps sharply.

Into that retired corner came the cries of flicker and blue jay from the high ground beyond. On the edge sang the indigo-bird and the wood-pewee, and cardinal and wood-thrush song formed the chorus to all the varied notes that we heard. Upon our entrance the next morning, my first glance at the nest was one of dismay the material seemed to be pulled out a little.

Very well, we can at least try the effect of a little originality. Something like this seems to be the philosophy of the indigo-bird; and he carries it out both in dress and in song. As we have said already, it is usual for birds to reserve the loudest and most taking parts of their music for the close, though it may be doubted whether they have any intelligent purpose in so doing.

How plainly I could see the little man in his blue coat with brass buttons, with his decidedly Irish features! And Grandmother, a stout woman, with quaint, homely ways. The moss is on their gravestones now, and two evergreen trees wax strong above them. I found an indigo-bird had built her nest above their graves. I broke off the branch and brought it home."

This protective coloration of plumage is possessed by the females of many species of birds, which would be very conspicuous, and of course greatly liable to danger while incubating their eggs, if they wore the bright tints of the males. The tanager and indigo-bird afford prominent examples.

He seemed to enjoy the elevation, and I imagined his song had more scope and freedom than usual. When he had flown far down the mountain-side, the breeze still brought me his finest notes. In plumage he is the most brilliant bird we have. The bluebird is not entirely blue; nor will the indigo-bird bear a close inspection, nor the goldfinch, nor the summer redbird.

Soon after the first shock of the storm was over, and before I could see breaking sky, the birds tuned up with new ardor, the robin, the indigo-bird, the purple finch, the song sparrow, and in the meadow below the bobolink.