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DOI: The Digital Object Identifier System is an identification system for intellectual property in the digital environment. Developed by the DOI Foundation on behalf of the publishing industry, its goals are to provide a framework for managing intellectual content, link customers with publishers, facilitate electronic commerce, and enable automated copyright management.

"You'll have them suggesting rest-cures for the mind, and that sort of thing," said Turl, pleasantly. "And the newspapers will be calling you the Great American Identifier," put in Larcher. "There'll be somebody else as the chief identifier," said Bagley, glaring at Turl. "Somebody that knows it's you. I heard her say that much." "Stop a moment, Mr. Bagley."

Some projects, like DOI: The Digital Identifier System, an identification system for digital media, will enable automated copyright management systems. Another problem is format harmonization, to allow the downloading of the texts by any hardware and software. Many organizations are involved in research relating to digital libraries.

The inventor chased after them with thumping peg-leg to inquire whether he should first perfect the model of the "cat identifier," or develop his idea of an automatic chore-doer, started by the rooster tripping a trigger as he descended to take his matutinal sniff of air. "You just keep in practise with that thing," commanded the Cap'n, pointing to the cow's horn.

Yet there was never a twin born in to this world that did not carry from birth to death a sure identifier in this mysterious and marvelous natal autograph. That once known to you, his fellow twin could never personate him and deceive you." Wilson stopped and stood silent. Inattention dies a quick and sure death when a speaker does that. The stillness gives warning that something is coming.

Bodge noted with satisfaction the gleam of interest in capital's eyes. "You can reckon that at least a million families in this country own cats and the nature of cats and dogs can be depended on to be the same," said Mr. Bodge. "It's a self-actin' proposition, this identifier and introducer; that means fortunes for all concerned just as soon as capital gets behind it.

Hiram sniffed and the Cap'n was pensive, his thoughts apparently active, but not concerned in any way with the "Anti-stagger Shoe." The "Patent Cat Identifier and Introducer," exhibited in actual operation in the Bodge home, attracted more favorable attention from inspecting capital. Mr.

The Introduction to the Digital Object Identifier specifies: "The Internet represents a totally new environment for commerce. As such, it requires new enabling technologies to protect both customer and publisher. Systems will have to be developed to authenticate content to insure that what the customer is requesting is what is being delivered.

"Look here," said Patsy, "am I a farmer, or is the man Gaspard the greatest living identifier?" "What do you mean?" "Why, it strikes me that he picked out his men a good deal too easy. If it's all straight, I'd like the loan of his luck for a few days. "That identification on the elevated station looked to me like a fake. I don't believe he ever intended that you should get hold of the man.