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Ach Gott, ach Gott, ach Gott." He buried his face in his pillow and sobbed hysterically. I explained to him that it had been necessary to remove his arm, but that he would live and be well treated and see no more fighting. He turned round and stared at me and then shouted jubilantly: "Jetzt weiss ich's Now I know thank God, I shall live, live, live. O du lieber Himmel, das Glúck ist zu gross."

His tough, sinuous, spidery arms, five fathoms long, wavered visibly in the blue transparent gulf, Und schaudernd dacht ich's da kroch's heran, Regte hundert Gelenke zugleich, Will schnappen nach mir. A harpoon was driven into the leathery, pulpy body of the monster, but with no other effect than the sudden snapping of the inch line like thread.

You know it, don't you?" And she recited with ludicrous pathos the following two lines: "'Heirathen, Kind, ist wunderlich Wort, Hor ich's, mocht ich gleich wieder fort." "Good Heaven, what a profound knowledge of human nature our great Goethe has got, and how proud I am to be allowed to call him a friend of mine Heirathen, Kind, ist wunderlich Wort." "Marianne, you are cruel and unjust, you "

It is often hard to get into communication with him, for he often appeals to feelings that no longer stir humanity such, for instance, as the obsolete "sense of sin," but once it is done, he works miracles. Take, for example, the scene in which Jesus tells His disciples that one of them will betray Him. They ask, in chorus, "Herr, bin ich's?"

"Gieb dass ich thu' mit Fleiss was mir zu thun gebuhret, Wozu mich dein Befehl in meinem Stande fuhret, Gieb dass ich's thue bald, zu der Zeit da ich's soll; Und wenn ich's thu', so gieb dass es gerathe wohl." One has heard the voice of waters, one has paused in the mountains at the voice of far-off Covenanter psalms; but a voice like this, breaking the commanded silences, one has not heard.

I took long journeys and underwent great privations; I had dreamed of him in my sleep, and here suddenly I had him in my fingers for myself! "'So halt' ich's endlich denn in meinen Handen, Und nenn' es in gewissem Sinne mein." He gave to the last word the emphasis of a suddenly lowered voice, and withdrew his eyes slowly from my face.