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Updated: January 16, 2025
Can you stan' a hundud an' fifty gold balansers for the waggin besides the fixins? 'Shift, I said. 'I'm prepared to spend more than that in seeking Winnie. 'Dordi, brother, you must be as rich as my dad, an' lie's the richest Griengro arter Jericho Bozzell.
"'That you, Kit? he pipes through his nose that way of is'n. 'You've got it all your own way now. I'm a wreck. Good luck, Terrible. "So on we goes bang atween two Spanish Fust-rates hundud and twenty guns apiece. Had em all to ourselves, and asked no better. "'Just your style, Bill, says the Captain. He was pacing up and down the lee of the poop with me. 'Pretty work, ain't it?
Even supposin' you did hear the Welsh gillie and I think it was all a fancy you can't make nothin' out o' them baskets as your aunt seed. Us Romanies don't make one in a hundud of the fancy baskets as is sold for Gypsy baskets in the streets, and besides, the hawkers and costers what buys 'em of us sells 'em agin to other hawkers and costers, and there ain't no tracin' on 'em.
"Yes," he was saying, "my bankers'll be please very please, they will. And good cause why. That's a hundud thousand quid, Mr. Silver, in my pocket all a-jinglin' and a-tinglin'. 'Ark to em! like 'erald angels on the go." He paused, touched the other's arm, and panted huskily: "Funny thing! A minute since it was in the h'air ewaporated, as the sayin' is. Now it's here froze tight."
What 'y' been dreamin' abaout? Y' giv a jump like a hoppergrass. Wake up, wake up! Th' party's over, and y' been asleep all the mornin'. The party's over, I tell ye! Wake up!" "Over!" said Mrs. Sprowle, who began to define her position at last, "over! I should think 'twas time 'twas over! It's lasted a hundud year.
What y' been dreamin' abaout? Y' giv a jump like a hopper-grass. Wake up, wake UP! Th' party 's over, and y' been asleep all the mornin'. The party's over, I tell ye! Wake up!" "Over!" said Mrs. Sprowle, who began to define her position at last, "over! I should think 't was time 't was over! It's lasted a hundud year.
What y' been dreamin' abaout? Y' giv a jump like a hopper-grass. Wake up, wake UP! Th' party 's over, and y' been asleep all the mornin'. The party's over, I tell ye! Wake up!" "Over!" said Mrs. Sprowle, who began to define her position at last, "over! I should think 't was time 't was over! It's lasted a hundud year.
Tump marked a sentence in the guaranty of the deed with a rusty forefinger and looked up at Peter in mixed triumph and accusation. Peter leaned over the deed, amused. "Let's see your mare's nest." "Well, she 'fo' God is thaiuh, an' you sho let loose a hundud dollars uv our 'ciety's money, an' got nothin' fuh hit but a piece o' paper wid a nigger-stopper on hit!"
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