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I saw Videy's eyes glisten greedily at sight of the gold, and, after we had parted, I was not at all surprised, though I knew her father, Panuel Lovell, a frequenter of Raxton fairs, to be a man of means, when she came back and said, with a coquettish smile, 'Give the bright balansers to Lady Sinfi's poor sister, my rei; give the balansers to the poor Gypsy, my rei.

He made it for Jericho Bozzell, the rich Griengro as so often stays at Raxton and at Gypsy Dell; but Rhona Bozzell hates a waggin and allus will sleep in a tent. They do say as the Prince o' Wales wants to buy that livin'-waggin, only he can't spare the balansers just now his family bein' so big an' times bein' so bad. How much money ha' you got?

Can you stan' a hundud an' fifty gold balansers for the waggin besides the fixins? 'Shift, I said. 'I'm prepared to spend more than that in seeking Winnie. 'Dordi, brother, you must be as rich as my dad, an' lie's the richest Griengro arter Jericho Bozzell.

"But, Sinfi," I said, "how are we to travel without money? I have not a copper." "Ah, but I've got gold balansers about me, and they're better nor copper." "Dear Sinfi!" I said, "I'd rather borrow of you than any one in the world." "Borrow!" said she, "all right! Now we shall have to speak to Mr. D'Arcy about it. It'll be like drawin' one o' his teeth partin' with you." 'When I next saw Mr.

Winifred, after all, might be among the Gypsies, and the crafty Videy Lovell might have some mysterious connection with her; for she detested me as much as she loved the gold 'balansers' she could wheedle out of me.