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This first view of the hoary Alps always makes a thrilling moment." Later came morning rides and evening strolls. The modest stone country-house which they took for economy and the author's love of quiet home-life was La Lorraine, and belonged to the Count de Portales of Neufchâtel. There was a high field near, where, one day, when Mr.

Johnson, much amused, asked him how that was. It thus transpired that they had buried a live Chinaman without being aware of the fact. Home-Life Among Head-Hunting Dayaks.

"A boarding-house, as I take it," argued Polly, "is a house where the detestable human vipers known as boarders are 'taken in and done for." "But we have always prided ourselves on having it exactly like a family," said her mother plaintively. "You know we have not omitted a single refinement of the daintiest home-life, no matter at what cost of labor and thought."

It was the shattering of all those things for which they praised God in their churches the good gifts of home-life, the security of the family, the impregnable stronghold, as it seemed, of prosperity built by labour and thrift now utterly destroyed. I motored over to Nieuport-les-Bains, the seaside resort of the town of Nieuport itself, which is a little way from the coast.

To think even of her possible death is a suffering you class with the infernal tortures of the Inquisition. You grow twin of heart and of purpose. Smiles seem made for marriage; and you wonder how you ever wore them before! So a year and more wears off of mingled home-life, visiting, and travel. A new hope and joy lightens home: there is a child there. What a joy to be a father!

Their whole aim will be to have a glorious frolic away from the restraints of ordinary home-life. They will have no interest in the meetings, no sympathy with the central thought that has drawn the workers together, and the tendency will be to frolic through it all. "The truth is, there will be such a mixing of things that I actually fear the effect will be wholesale demoralization.

Then she continued: "It is not necessary to dwell on the innumerable instances of cruelty and wrong that have marked my life, from the period just mentioned, on to the present. It is enough to say that many events in my home-life have left their searing impress on my heart and brain; and many, I thank God, have faded from my memory.

Some system such as Ruskin's, with powerful local legislation, could not fail to end the trouble which is at the present moment making a tremendous drain on the pockets of the law-abiding citizen of this country, in that system of workhouses, which besides being subversive of the very idea of home-life amongst our poor, degrades the non-worker, and rankles as a lasting shame in the hearts of those whom misfortune alone has driven to that last resource of the unfortunate.

To others, whose school life has been one unchequered course of excitement and success, it will be incomprehensible enough and so much the better for them. He sat listening to the grim sphinx clock on the black marble chimneypiece, as it remorselessly ticked away his last few moments of home-life, and he ingeniously set himself to crown his sorrow by reviving recollections of happier days.

He then, at the orders of the lady, related the incidents of his voyage out, and something of his life at home, which was more interesting even than the tale of his adventures to his hearers, as to them the home-life of these fierce Christian warriors was entirely unknown.