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Updated: August 23, 2024

It was not at all what he had meant, but he felt singularly relieved at the compromise. "And ez I reckon Hennicker ain't such a fool ez not to know who we are and what we're out for," continued Clinch, "I reckon there ain't any concealment." "Then it's Hennicker's?" said the ostler, with swift deduction. "Hennicker's it is! Lead on." The ostler remounted his horse, and the others followed.

"It don't follow," said Rawlins carelessly, "that Hennicker even knows of this yer robbery. It's his gineral gait we refer to. Ef yer think it more polite, and it makes it more sociable to discuss this matter afore him, I'm agreed." "Hale means," said Clinch, "that it wouldn't be on the square to take and make use of any points we might pick up there agin the road agents." "Certainly," said Hale.

When the three women had gained the vantage-ground of the drawing-room, Kate said, earnestly, "As it's all right, hadn't we better tell him now?" "Decidedly not, child," said Mrs. Scott, imperatively. "Do you suppose they are in a hurry to tell us THEIR whole story? Who are those Hennicker people? and they were there a week ago!"

"I call it d d uncivil treatment," said the man, raising his voice; "and Hennicker had better sing smaller if he don't want his old den pulled down some day. He ain't any better than men that hev been picked up afore now." "You oughter told him that, and mebbe he'd hev come over with yer," returned Rawlins. "He's a mild, soft, easy-going man, is Hennicker! Ain't he, Colonel Clinch?"

The ostler hesitated, and glanced at the others to reply. "There ARE folks," he said lazily, at last, "ez beleeves that Hennicker ain't much better nor the crowd we're hunting; but they don't say it TO Hennicker. We needn't let on what we're after." "I for one," said Hale stoutly, "decidedly object to any concealment of our purpose."

Rawlins briefly explained to Hale that a slide was a rude incline for the transit of heavy goods that could not be carried down a trail. "And Hennicker's," continued the man, "ain't more nor a mile away. Ye might try Hennicker's at a push, eh?" By a common instinct the whole party looked dubiously at Hale. "Who's Hennicker?" he felt compelled to ask.

A few dogs barked and ran out to meet the cavalcade, but there was no other sign of any life disturbed or concerned at their approach. "I reckon Hennicker ain't home, or he'd hev been on the lookout afore this," said the ostler, dismounting and rapping on the door.

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