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I had learnt by experience that it was within my power to be mistress of any heart's griefs, and I could tell myself that dull sufferance of woe would have ill-pleased him whose judgment I most cared for. To remember him was what I best loved, and I earnestly desired to guide my steps as would have been his wish and will. In some degree I was able to do so, and Ann was my great helper.

"Larry, who'd have dreamed last night that we were parting for all this time?" "Well, not I for one." "Awfully sorry about it all, and I know you'll think I'm acting like a funny kind of helper. I hadn't the faintest idea of bottling you up on the yacht all day like this, but well, you might say, Larry, that a man couldn't help it to save his life.

But Archibius, the brave, circumspect counsellor and helper?

Their natural timidity had no shelter their tears were wiped away by no kind hand their steps were supported by no sustaining arm the world was a barren wilderness before them they seemed to be alone, as after a ship-wreck and they had no immediate refuge but in themselves, and for there was still another hope, an observant friend, a helper to the needy in his distress in GOD!

General Foch, waiting in an adjoining room, was called in and accepted the task with the simplicity of the great soldier who is also a man of religious faith. For Foch, the devout Catholic and pupil of the Jesuits, and Haig the Presbyterian, are alike in this: there rules in both of them the conviction that this world is not an aimless scene of chance, and that man has an Unseen Helper.

There must be a helper on duty in the pantry, for there must be no hitch in any detail of the formal dinner service. The fine damask tablecloth is a feature though the table is set practically as though for a formal luncheon and large-size dinner napkins are the rule.

Be a helper to every helpless one, and manifest kindness to your fellow creatures in order that ye may attain the good pleasure of God. This is conducive to the illumination of the world of humanity and eternal felicity for yourselves. I seek from God everlasting glory in your behalf; therefore, this is my prayer and exhortation. Consider what is happening in the Balkans.

A master should be the friend, the helper of his men. They should be one family." She looked at him a little incredulously, remembering the bitter periods of strikes and lock-outs. "Did you ever try, Dad?" she asked. "Oh, yes," he answered. "But I tried the wrong way." "The right way might be found," he added, "by the right man, and woman."

Pearl, her mother's helper and adviser; Pearl, her silent father's wonder and delight, the second mother of all the little Watsons! Pearl was coming home. Events in the Watson family were reckoned from the time of Pearl's departure or the time of her expected home-coming.

Raymonde had therefore remained in the refectory as a helper; however, little Madame Desagneaux, being a lady-hospitaller, had not left the superintendent, and was already asking her for orders, in her delight that she should at last be able to render some assistance. "Are all these beds properly made, madame?" she inquired; "perhaps I had better make them afresh with Sister Hyacinthe."