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With a Preface by JULES LEMAITRE, of the French academy, Born in Amiens, September 2, 1852, Paul Bourget was a pupil at the Lycee Louis le Grand, and then followed a course at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, intending to devote himself to Greek philology. He, however, soon gave up linguistics for poetry, literary criticism, and fiction.

As for Bazaine, we cannot make up our minds whether we ought to call him a traitor or a hero. We therefore say as little about him as possible. I have just come back from the southern outposts. The redoubts of Moulin Saqui and Hautes Bruyères were firing heavily, and the Prussians were replying from Chatillon. Their shrapnell, however, fell short, just within our advanced line.

The objects of these travels are historical, literary, and picturesque. Observations faites dans les Pyrenées. Par Ramond. Paris, 1789. 8vo. Voyage au Mont Perdu, et dans les Partes adjacentes des Hautes Pyrennées. Par Raymond. Paris, 1801. 8vo.

The treeless condition of the Lozere chain and other once well-wooded regions was thus brought about. The Government is replanting many bare mountain-sides here, as in the Hautes Alpes, in order to improve the soil and climate. The barrenness of the Causses arises, as will be seen, from natural causes.

"I will not dwell on the effects of the torrents. For sixty years they have been too often depicted to require to be further discussed, but it is important to show that their ravages are daily extending the range of devastation. Ladoucette, Histoire, etc., des Hautes Alpes, p. 354.

«On ne dira donc plus que les granits veinés, le gneiss et les autres roches de ce genre, ne sont que les débris des granits rassemblés et agglutinés au pied des hautes montagnes, puisque voil

«La montagne Saint-George, une des plus hautes de tout le canton du sommet de laquelle je pouvois prendre une idée topographique de tous le pays, qui domine tout ce qui entoure,

"That is the headsman," answered M. Ragon, calling the executioner the executeur des hautes oeuvres by the name he had borne under the Monarchy. "Oh! my dear, my dear! M. l'Abbe is dying!" cried out old Madame Ragon. She caught up a flask of vinegar, and tried to restore the old priest to consciousness.