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'Not unless one mixed holy water with the vodka, like the baptized Benjamin, said the landlord with grim humour. He added hastily: 'But his inn is even fuller than mine, four beds in the room. It appeared that the dinner was already over, and David could obtain nothing but half-warmed remains.

It was a chilly day in early November a high wind lashing the gray and foaming lake when David Marshall, wrapped in shawls and bolstered up with pillows, was driven carefully over the three miles of flinty macadam which led from his old house to his new one, and was put to bed again in a large, half-warmed apartment, fitted up scantily and provisionally with an old chamber-set that had escaped the auctioneer.

'Why didn't you come to Bowshott, you ass, if you are ill? said Peter sternly. 'You will kill yourself some day coming down to this half-warmed barn in the winter-time. 'It isn't half warmed, said Toffy. 'I wish it were! This room is all right, isn't it? I aired another sofa by sleeping on it last night. 'What on earth for? demanded Peter, still in a tone of remonstrance.

But this Fleda would not listen to, and followed her adviser to the half-warmed, and certainly very airy apartment which had been got ready for her. It was probably more owing to something in her own appearance, than to Mr. Carleton's word of admonition on the subject, that her attendant was really assiduous and kind.

They went to the large hotels of Los Angeles or Pasadena, to pay a rate they cannot afford. They shivered in half-warmed rooms; took cold after cold; their symptoms grew alarming; their money wasted away; and finally, in utter despair, they were hurried back homeward, perhaps to die on board the train. Or it may be that they choose cheap lodging-houses, at prices more nearly within their reach.