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The very air about them seemed charged with it, and she too, under some spell of springtime, moved into closer proximity to the splendid knight. She brushed against his arm unconsciously; and looking down on the top of her dark head, he said half-shyly: "You somehow seem such a little thing to-day, Lorraine, I feel as if I could pick you up, as one does a small child."

But again, after she had had a sinking spell, and Clelia had given her some warming drops, she said half-shyly, "Clelia, maybe you'll think I'm a terrible fool; but if I should pass away, there's somethin' I should like to have you do." Clelia knelt beside her, and put her wet cheek down on the little roughened hand.

There, all among the women and children, half-shyly, half-defiantly, they pecked at the plaster flesh and returned to resume the conversation in the piazza with a new serenity and confidence in their hearts. After the dead Christ came a triumphal car of the very little girls with wings, signifying I know not what, but intensely satisfying to the onlookers.

Carroll owed both of these girls; both remembered that fact; both reflected on the possibility of their services being no longer required, but such was the unconscious masculine charm of the man over their foolish and irresponsible feminity that they questioned nothing. Their eyes regarded him half-shyly, half-boldly under their crests of blond pompadours.

"Where is the ribbon?" he inquired, reproachfully, when he came within speaking distance. "Where it belongs," she answered, with a flush. "Didn't you want me to come?" "Of course." "Then why didn't you hang it up?" "Just because I wanted you to come." Alden laughed at her feminine inconsistency, as he took her face between his hands and kissed her, half-shyly still.

And if you behave yourself and have this operation right away I'll come and take Christmas dinner no, that's holiday time I'll come and prescribe for you shortly after New Year's!" He laughed joyfully. "I hope you'll welcome me," he said, half-shyly. "For I've reason to believe I'm going to be welcomed in other quarters." "Dr. Wells, you are wanted in the corridor," said the nurse, returning.