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It is a good exercise, in empty or ugly hours of the day, to look at anything, the coal-scuttle or the book-case, and think how happy one could be to have brought it out of the sinking ship on to the solitary island. But it is a better exercise still to remember how all things have had this hair-breadth escape: everything has been saved from a wreck.

We were sitting round the library fire, the colonel, as usual, narrating his early deeds and hair-breadth 'scapes.

No more was seen of the baboon, but a little later the black scythe-like fins of three sharks showed in the spot where he had disappeared." Plums from a Sailor's Duff. It has been commonly expected of sailors in all ages that they should encounter nothing upon the ocean but hair-breadth escapes.

In one of these little skirmishes I had very nearly been taken, and should, in that case, have missed all the honour and glory and hair-breadth escapes which will be found related in the following pages. I should either have been sabred in mere retaliation, or marched off to Verdun for the remaining six years of the war.

He was fortunate in his first guess Marivaux's conversation was so like the style of his writings, so full of hair-breadth distinctions, subtle exceptions, and metaphysical refinement and digressions, that Ormond soon guessed him, and was applauded for his quickness. Marmontel he discovered, by his being the only man in the room who had not mentioned to him any of "Les Contes Moraux."

Nothing happens; that is, nobody murders or debauches anybody else; there is no arson or pillage of any sort; there is not a ghost, or a ravening beast, or a hair-breadth escape, or a shipwreck, or a monster of self-sacrifice, or a lady five thousand years old in the whole story; "no promenade, no band of music, nossing!" as Mr. Du Maurier's Frenchman said of the meet for a fox-hunt.

The Union regiment, on our right, had given way, after a gallant fight, earlier than we had, and the rebels were on our flank and rear. A number of our men going to the ridge, from which they had charged, ran into the enemy and were captured. There were desperate hand-to-hand encounters, hair-breadth escapes, and strange episodes. "One occurs to me which I saw with my own eyes.

The man looked at the note, then at his foot-rule and measure, then verified his former measurement by a second. 'They correspond, he said, 'within a hair-breadth to a foot-mark broader and shorter than the former. Hatteraick's genius here deserted him. 'Der deyvil! he broke out, 'how could there be a footmark on the ground, when it was a frost as hard as the heart of a Memel log?

The Arkansas heads in that peculiar section of the Rocky Mountain chain known as the "Parks" a region of country celebrated from the earliest times of fur-trading and trapping the arena of a greater number of adventures of personal encounters and hair-breadth escapes than perhaps any other spot of equal extent upon the surface of the globe.

The vigor of mind and body our learned youth on one hand and strong-armed peasantry on the other form the nucleus of our force. Maximus could collect, in the utmost haste, the army which deprived Gratian of his throne and life, and was within a Hair-breadth of overthrowing Theodosius; and what was he but an ambitious rebel, and what tempted his followers but their hopes of a share in the booty?