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Not a sign of the two men was to be seen, either on the submarine, in the water or on the solid shore-ice, a few rods away. "What d' y' think of that?" asked Jarvis, mopping his brow. "They're gone!" "Perhaps they drowned." "Mebbe drowned mebby they're 'id h'in th' h'ice." "Well, anyway, we're rid of them," said Dave.

Why 'e couldn't even tell that I 'ad 'ad a touch of my old complaint, and me with an 'andle to me name. Come, lass, oop with ye bonnie head, for I'll tell 'ee the great news I sees a bead o' perspiration on Sir John's brow an' so I'm off to take me 'air out of crackers. Though Tim does find it more home-like, 'e says, when I 'ave 'em h'in oh, dearie! dearie! I often wish I was plain Mrs.

H'in a room over the gateway of the Bloody Tower there, the Duke of Clarence, h'according to some, drowned himself in a butt of Malmsey wine; and in h'an adjoining room, they say that the little Princes were murdered by h'order of their uncle, the powerful Duke of Gloucester, who stole their right to the throne.

H'I'll wear one of 'em h'in me belt from now on! H'I 'ates t' think 'ow cold th' water was when h'I pitched 'em h'in, them other two." "Kill 'em?" "Not that bad. But mebby they'll drown. H'I'll go see. H'I'd 'ate t' see 'em climbin' back." He hurried up the hatchway, followed closely by Dave.

'E's Lord D'Lisle and Dudley, of Penshurst Place h'in Kent, 'im as is descended direct from the Lady Mary, sister of Robert Dudley, 'o married Sir 'Enry Sidney. H'its 'e 'o appoints the master h'over us this very day. But as I was saying, it was 'ere that 'is Majesty King James was right royally h'entertained." "Yes," broke in John, interrupting the rapid flow of expressionless words.

Cheap, I think," answered Devonshire. "H'it's a go. We'll 'ave the stuff h'at the h'inn down h'in what's the name of that town?" said the tall one. "Gold City, sir, Gold City!" spoke up the excited host. "Well, Gold City that's the spot. We'll pay the cash there. My banker'll come h'in there to-night h'in the stage."

Ere's a kid ain't eard where we been. Been!" the sudden thunder in his voice. "Why, in Boulong Arbour among Boney's craft. H'in and h'out, under Nap's nose. Stormed the Arbour Battery; set the gun-vessels afire; and came out under their guns, colours at the truck, and the bosun's boy in the mizzenchains singin O it's a snug little island, A right little tight little island."

But me lord, the butler, eyed me with questioning curiosity. "Aw me lad, h'and where did your father get 'is blooming costume?" he asked. "Mother supplied it, good sir," I answered. "Hi say, me lad," he laughed, "your mother h'is a grand lydie, you tike me word for h'it; h'in h'England they would decorate that suit with the h'order h'of the garter!" "Honi soit, qui mal y pense!" I lisped.