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They set out along a little, narrow, paved street, lined by ancient buildings or high walls. "They do say h'as 'ow the Princess Elizabeth, afterwards Queen, was h'imprisoned in that room, up there," stated the guide, pointing to a small window in a wall on their left. "By Queen Mary's h'orders she was brought in through the Traitor's Gate, there.

Them Punches are a low lot, Miss; they h'ought to be put down, really they h'ought. Gentlefolks, h'as a general thing, pays no h'attention to them." But Katy didn't care what "gentlefolks" did or did not do, and insisted upon having Punch called back. So Wilkins was forced to swallow his remonstrances and his dignity, and go in pursuit of the objectionable object.

Hendricks was adding an orange blossom to the laces on the train. Then she sat back on her heels, her head a-tilt like a curious bird's, her eyes beaming sentimentally upon the bride. "The prettiest h'I h'ever did see," she pronounced with satisfaction, "H'as pretty as a wax figger now h'only a thought too waxy."

Here, therefore, "let us breathe," as Shakspeare says, "and happily introduce a course of learning and ingenious studies," in the next chapter. "Smith. The clerk of Chatham: he can write, and read, and cast accompt. Cade. O monstrous! Smith. We took him setting of boys' copies. Cade. Here's a villain! Smith. H'as a book in his pocket with red letters in't. Cade. Nay, then, he's a conjuror. Cade.

Old John had his say, too, when parting with me at the station: 'I hope you have h'enjoyed your visit, miss, and have had an h'edifying time; the mistress wants some one of her h'own sex to talk to h'on h'occasions, though, h'as I h'often say, she can hold her h'equal with h'any man if she chooses.

Ah, there are figures glide around 'ere in the dead o' night, and many's the times I've 'eard screams, way in the distance, as though somebody was being 'urt! Now, this way, please, and I'll show you Guy Fawkes's cell, 'im h'as was the originator of the Gunpowder Plot, and tried to blow up the 'ouses of Parliament."

"Oh, ye're right, lady," he panted, "the 'ospital was founded by Robert Dudley, Lord Leicester, 'e 'o was much at Elizabeth's court, h'as you all know. And it's a descendant h'of 'is, or of 'is sister, as you may say, 'o 'as the right to appoint the master 'ere in this 'ospital to this day.

"Such frocks h'as h'I 'ave to do and the young lady no more caring!" had been a saying of the Hendricks that Jinny passed interestedly on to Jack. She had no memory of the young lady's name, but distinctly she recalled that she was young and beautiful and to marry a general. It was enough to launch Jinny's eager interest in Mohammedan marriages and foster the wish that she might attend one.

H'as h'I see it, there's gold in this land just h'as h'I said before, plenty of it. H'and this 'ere tribe, way west there some'ers; they's been driven there by the Roosians, er by other tribes. Mayhaps they's Roosian h'exiles themselves. 'Owever that may be, it's there, and h'I 'ates to think 'ow rich you h'and h'I'd be h'if h'it wasn't fer this 'ere crazy Doctor's achin' to see th' Pole."