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Invited to court to breakfast; such headaches we had; longed for coffee; found nothing but brandy; forced to drink; sick as dogs; sent to take an airing upon the most damnable little horses, not worth a guilder, no bridles nor saddles; bump bump bump we go, up and down before the Czar's window, he and the Czarina looking at us.

Philip awoke, and, sitting up, perceived the doctor standing by him. "Well, Mynheer Vanderdecken," commenced the unfeeling little man, "so it's all over. I knew it would be so, and recollect you owe me now another guilder, and you promised faithfully to pay me; altogether, with the potion, it will be three guilders and a half that is, provided you return my phial."

There was nothing left for him to do but lie there. He's lying there still, with one of her little feet on his bull neck. All the town knows it." "He wants to marry her," repeated Drene, as though to himself. "She may not take him at that. They're queer some women. I suppose she'd jump at it if she were not straight. But there's another thing " Guilder looked curiously at Drene.

Many of his finest portraits those of Hendrickje Stoffels, of his son, of himself in his old age, of the Burgomeister Six, above all, his masterpiece, "The Syndics of the Guild of Clothmakers," now in Amsterdam; many of his finest etchings, the little landscapes, the famous "Hundred Guilder Print," "Christ Healing the Sick," belong to this later period.

But I don't believe he'll have to.... Now, about those contracts " he affected a yawn, " go on and tell him, Guilder," he added, his words distorted by another yawn. He stepped down to the floor from his perch on the table, stretched his arms, looking affably all the while at Graylock, who had never moved a muscle. "I believe you had a run-in with that Cecile girl once, didn't you, Graylock?

He was a man so perfectly attired and so scrupulously fastidious about his person that Guilder often speculated as to just why Quair always seemed to him a trifle soiled.

After looking at all these things as long as they wished, Mr. George and Rollo bade the woman good by, and James gave her half a guilder. The party then withdrew. "Well, uncle George," said Rollo, "and what do you think of that?" "I think it is a very extraordinary spectacle," said Mr. George. "And it is very curious to think how such a state of things has come about."

We declined with impressive politeness, and walked on. The Jew accompanied us, and attempted conversation, in which we did not join. He would show us everything for a guilder an hour, for half a guilder. Having plainly told the Jew that we did not desire his attendance, he crossed to the other side of the street, and kept us in sight, biding his opportunity.

The Gentleman in the cassock began to break out in excuses, saying that his Patron would reward me, and that he was glad that an Englishman had been by to rescue a Person of Quality from such great Peril, when that Flanders Oaf younger the extortionate villain would not stir a finger to help him unless he had half a guilder over and above his fee.

I don't know what her engagements may be." "One of her engagements just now seems to be to go about with Graylock," said Guilder. Drene flushed, but said nothing. "If he marries her," added Guilder, "as it's generally understood he is trying to, the best sculptor's model in town is out of the question. Better secure her now." "He wants to marry her?" repeated Drene, in a curiously still voice.