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"I don't suppose, now, you'd be willing to take a ground-rent on the other half of your land if a desirable party should apply? A rent, say, for five years, with the privilege of purchase at the expiration of the term?" The long words sounded very technical and business-like, yet rather agreeable too. "You mean somebody might like to build on my land?" "That's the idea," said Warren.

Though, in many different countries of Europe, taxes have been imposed upon the rent of houses, I do not know of any in which ground-rents have been considered as a separate subject of taxation. The contrivers of taxes have, probably, found some difficulty in ascertaining what part of the rent ought to be considered as ground-rent, and what part ought to be considered as building-rent.

He tossed off the drink, but when he looked for the chaser the barkeeper shook his head. "No chasers," he said, "water is too blasted scarce that'll be three dollars and twenty-five cents." "Charge it to ground-rent!" grinned Wunpost. "I'm the man that owns this claim. See you later where's Dusty Rhodes?" "No cash!" demanded the barkeeper, looking him coldly in the eye.

They began to play cards, for the devil wanted to try and win back some of the ground-rent which the youngster had got out of his mother by threats, when he was sent by the king to collect it; but the youngster was always the fortunate one, for he put a cross on the back of all the good cards, and when he had won all the money which the devil had upon him, the devil had to pay him out of the gold and silver which was in the castle.

When it was finished, Mr Selwyn said, "Having been Lady R 's legal adviser for many years I am able to tell you, within a trifle, what property you will receive. There are 57000 three per cents; this house and furniture, which I purchased the lease of for her, and which is only saddled with a ground-rent for the next forty years; and I find, a balance of 1200 pounds at the banker's.

Carthage paid, even down to the times of its prosperity, a ground-rent for the space occupied by the city to the native Berbers, the tribe of the Maxyes or Maxitani; and although the sea and the desert sufficiently protected the city from any assault of the eastern powers, Carthage appears to have recognized although but nominally the supremacy of the great- king, and to have paid tribute to him occasionally, in order to secure its commercial communications with Tyre and the East.

LAW NO. IV. "The industrial state has incomparably greater capacity for population than the agricultural state." LAW NO. V. "In economics only material interests count." These are the natural laws on which Herr Duehring founds his new economics. He remains true to his philosophic methods. Herr Duehring defines ground-rent as "that income which the landowner as such derives from ground and land."

That this revenue, or quit-rent, was called the aussil jumma, or original ground-rent, of the provinces, and was not increased from the time when it was first settled in 1573 to 1740, when the regular and effective Mogul government ended.

Neither would such a tax fall altogether upon the ground-rent; but it would divide itself in such a manner, as to fall partly upon the inhabitant of the house, and partly upon the owner of the ground.

The servants of the company may, perhaps, have profited by the change, but at the expense, it is probable, both of their masters and of the country. Taxes upon the Rent of Houses. The rent of a house may be distinguished into two parts, of which the one may very properly be called the building-rent; the other is commonly called the ground-rent.