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Graves's method followed the orthodox tradition exactly, and with the unvarying result. As the attacking fleet bore down in line ahead at an angle, the van of course came into action first, unsupported for some time by the rest.

John folded his arms. Presently Graves said, meditatively, "We don't care to hang him, just at " "This juncture," said Ravenel; "no, better give him ten years in the penitentiary for bigamy." Sunshine broke on Mr. Graves's face, and he murmured, "Go 'way!" Champion, too, was radiant. "Hu-u-ush!" he said, "who'll get us the evidence?" "Old Uncle Leviticus."

Doubtless he would have mentioned it, but he has been ill." "Sho! I'm sorry to hear that. I was afraid he'd catch cold." "Yes. I hope Mr. Graves's errand was successful?" "Well, sort of so-so." "Yes. He came to see you in connection with your brother's estate some legacy, perhaps?" She did not look at the captain when she asked this question.

Then from darkness and a great distance sounded a voice: "Ward, I said I'd get you!" That incident put Ken out of the practice for three days. He had a bruise over his ear as large as a small apple. Ken did not mind the pain nor the players' remarks that he had a swelled head anyway, but he remembered with slow-gathering wrath Graves's words: "I said I'd get you!"

Then he looked again. Outlined against the sky a man climbed to the tow-path and walked away. Shelby recognized Bernard Graves. "Ride on slowly," he directed. "I'll join you in a minute. There's something needs looking after in the Eureka." The intruder wheeled at the hoof-beats and waited. Purpling with rage, Shelby thrust the cob's nozzle fairly in Graves's face.

Reed has nothing but one hide, and that is on Graves's house; Milton lives there, and likely will keep that. Eddy's child died last night. "Feb. 7. Ceased to snow at last; today it is quite pleasant. McCutchen's child died on the second of this month. Mr. W. C. Graves helped dig the grave near one side of the cabin, and laid the little one to rest.

There was no brilliant leadership on either side. One of Graves's largest ships, the Terrible, was so crippled that he burnt her, and several others were badly damaged.

Shelby had reached his last ditch. "You think you're too damned good for it," he broke out. "It's the lily-fingered people of your stripe who make reform a byword and a laughing-stock." Graves's face flamed, and he shrank inwardly with a scholar's repugnance from the rencounter. Outwardly, however, he was truculent. "Such bar-room personalities are characteristic of you," he retorted.