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While that smile was still in its infancy he jumped up suddenly and forced his way across the hall to his dead wife's room, the one ghost-room of his house and his life, and there with his hand on the turning door knob, tense with reluctance, goose-fleshed with strain, his breath gasped out of him whether or no with the one word "Alice!" And behold! There was no room there!

"What are you looking at?" she said. "You," he answered, laughing. Her eyes met his, and in a moment he was kissing her white "goose-fleshed" shoulder, and thinking: "What is she? What is she?" She loved him in the morning. There was something detached, hard, and elemental about his kisses then, as if he were only conscious of his own will, not in the least of her and her wanting him.

At one time I was conscious of eight separate corrugations on my back, and my arms goose-fleshed until they looked like one of those miniature plaster casts of the Alps which are so popular in Swiss summer resorts; but mentally I was not disturbed at all.

We intended to give it to the Honolulu Girls around at the Walnut Theatre, they looked a bit goose-fleshed last week, but we always have hay fever when we get near those grass skirts. Grass widows is what the profession calls the Hawaiian ladies. Hope the temperature isn't going up again. We love the old-fashioned Christmas and all that sort of thing.

"It's well enough for lily-livered, goose-fleshed lawyers to hold their tongues when men and soldiers talk," I retorted. "We are not making indentures to the devil, and so have no need of such gentry." There was a roar of laughter from the captains and gunners, but terror of the Spaniard had made Master Edward Sharpless bold to all besides.