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Updated: December 31, 2024
Fortunately Hannah was so busy that I was left to pack my belongings myself, and thus for a time my gilty secret was safe. I put my things in on top of the masculine articles, not daring to leave any of them in the closet, owing to house-cleaning, which is always done before our return in the fall.
I must tell you to what a dredful point you are gilty, and the horror of the position to which you have brought me. Henry, you knew what I sufered from my first wrong-doing, and yet you plunged me into the same misery, and then abbandoned me to my dispair and sufering. Yes, I will say it, the belif I had that you loved me and esteemed me gave me corage to bare my fate. But now, what have I left?
Now see here, Twenty-five dollars while you are asleep and therfore not gilty if I take your car from wherever you keep it. I'll leave it at the station and you'll find it there in the morning." Is it surprizing that I agreed and that I took the filthy lucre? No. For I knew then that he would never get to the station, and the reward of two hundred, plus the Twenty-five, was already mine mentaly.
"Just a moment," said mother, in a fridgid tone. "Am I to understand that this this Mr. Egleston is " "He is my Husband." Ah, dear Dairy, that I might then and there have passed away. But I did not. I stood there, with my heart crushed, until I felt strong enough to escape. Then I fled, like a Gilty Soul. It was gastly. On the doorstep I met Jane.
I must tell you to what a dredful point you are gilty, and the horror of the position to which you have brought me. Henry, you knew what I sufered from my first wrong-doing, and yet you plunged me into the same misery, and then abbandoned me to my dispair and sufering. Yes, I will say it, the belif I had that you loved me and esteemed me gave me corage to bare my fate. But now, what have I left?
But "there is a divinity that shapes our ends etc." It was to be. It was Karma, or Kismet, or whatever the word is. I locked the door behind Hannah, and stood with tradgic feet, "where the brook and river meet." What was I to do? I was inocent, but I looked gilty. This, as everyone knows, is worse than gilt.
She wears patent wavers at night, and sleeps with her Mouth open. But who am I to interfere with the marriage bond? I never have and never will." But Sis only gave me a wild look and went away. This, dear readers and schoolmates, is the true story of my meeting with and parting from Reginald Beecher, the playwright. It was the necktie which struck her first, and also his gilty expression.
In this way, owing to nails in the windows, I thus had the Gilty Member of our MENAGE so that only the one window remained, and I now returned to the outside and covered it with a steady aim. What was my horror to see a bag thrust out through this window and set down by the unknown within!
In Wareham, in 1772, William Estes acknowledged himself "Gilty of Racking Hay on the Lord's Day" and was fined ten shillings; and in 1774 another Wareham citizen, "for a breach of the Sabbath in puling apples," was fined five shillings.
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