United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The gate-money was handed over to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Our happy speculations on what happened at Magersfontein served a good purpose here in stimulating the generosity of the spectators. The game was well contested, but the superior discipline of the Colonel's lot told, and they won. At break of day on Tuesday the Column's guns were at it again.

Mbolo," say they, and knock off work to stare. Observe large wired-in enclosures on left-hand side of road investigate find they are tenanted by animals goats, sheep, chickens, etc. Clearly this is a jardin d'acclimatation. No wonder the colony does not pay, if it goes in for this sort of thing, 206 miles inland, with simply no public to pay gate-money.

"Gate-money" does not bulk so largely in the view; in fact, admission to many of the chief encounters is free. The atmosphere of mystery about the doings of the crew or team is not so sedulously cultivated. The men do not take defeat so hardly, or regard the loss of a match as a serious calamity in life. I have the authority of Mr.

His were the Olympian days of the sport, when noble squires were its patrons, and every village a home and nursery of stalwart cricketers, before the epoch of special trains, gate-money, star elevens, and the tumultuous gathering of idle cads to jabber at a game they cannot play.

Sometimes its arguments seemed to be on one side, sometimes on the other, but always they were clothed with so serene a beauty of imagery, and moved in such a lofty and rarefied atmosphere of spiritual exaltation, that it was impossible to link them to so sordid a thing as this question of gate-money. When he had finished, nobody wanted the gates opened.

And then, for about the twentieth time within the last few hours, he recounted the particulars of his interview with the bank clerk. The old man expressed his entire concurrence in Savareen's estimate of Shuttleworth's conduct. "I have to pay the gate-money into the bank on the first of every month," he remarked, "and that young feller always acts as if he felt too uppish to touch it.

I was not a little proud of my Tonga friends; the chief, finest of them all, carried a portentous club. As for the theater, through the greed of the proprietors it was becoming unpopular, and the representatives of the three great powers, in want of laws which they could enforce, adopted a vigorous foreign policy, taxing it twenty-five per cent, on the gate-money.

'I didn't intend furnishing you with a valet, remarked his mother. 'But I shall be self-supporting, mother dear. I shall give exhibitions on the campus, and the gate-money will keep me in luxury. 'This is all very interesting, said Polly, cuttingly; 'but what has it to do with California, I'd like to know? 'Poor dear! Your brain is so weak.

There are, in fact, "breakers ahead," and a strong and determined hand will have to take the wheel. The greatest of these is the "professional" football player, and the next the "greed of gate-money." "O! we never heard of a professional football player in Scotland," exclaims a chorus of voices; "there is no such thing. It's only in England." My remark, of course, is only beginning to be realised.

The minor meetings in Sydney and Melbourne are, however, getting to be mere gate-money and betting affairs, and do not with one exception attract horses from the other colonies. Undoubtedly the chief fault of Australian racing is the prevalence of handicaps.