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Dear sisters, let us live and die, if you list, in this green garden's compass; only shun the gloom and sadness of a cloister, and we shall be happy." 'The tears fell fast from the maiden's eyes as she closed her impassioned appeal, and hid her face in the bosom of her sister. "Take comfort, Alice," said the eldest, kissing her fair forehead.

But it was the man, not Eve, who put the idea forward as the fitting climax of a memorable day, as perhaps did Father Adam, though she it was who ran the garden's resources through, and decided which to choose. The talk had ranged from Sherry's and Delmonico's to Chinatown and the Ghetto, when Mrs. Hilliard recollected a place ideally suited to the occasion.

"I ain't one that can bear flowers in a close room, they bring on a headache; but I enjoy 'em as much as anybody to look at, only you never know what to put 'em in. If I could be out in the mornin' sun, as some do, and keep flowers in the house, I should have me a gardin, certain," and she sighed again. "A garden's a sight o' care, but I don't begrudge none o' the care I give to mine.

And he walked slowly and heavily up the path and said, "Hullo, dad! how goes it?" And the old man looked at him with his eyes half shut and said, "Why, it is James so it is," as if he had expected it to be some one quite different. And they shook hands, and then Beale said, "The garden's looking well." And the old man owned that the garden 'ud do all right if it wasn't for the snails.

I remembered how differently he looked when he wooed me to the garden's moonlight walks, and how the warm and gentle thoughts that then beamed in his eyes seemed frozen and dead, and I wondered if they were extinguished forever. "How stupid!" exclaimed Miss Melville, suddenly stopping, and turning round on the pivot of the music stool till she commanded a full view of the drawing-room.

At times these rhapsodists might have supported their contention with a certain speciousness, such as was apparent to-day, for example, when against the garden's hurly-burly of color, the prodigal blazes of scarlet and saffron and wine-yellow, the girl's green gown glowed like an emerald, and her eyes, too, seemed emeralds, vivid, inscrutable, of a clear verdancy that was quite untinged with either blue or gray.

But there had been misunderstandings enough; and before he had walked the garden's length half a dozen conclusive reasons for writing occurred to him.

Why, I could have deeded away the whole United States in the time it's taken this lout of a boy to scribble his name. Is it any wonder that with only a stupid idiot like this for help, my garden's always behind other folks', an' my chores never done?" Then to the bewildered, nerve-wracked alien she thundered: "Don't blot it, you fool! don't blot it! Can't you keep your fingers out of the wet ink?

Every vista ended with the blue bay, and the green gate at the garden's foot opened directly upon a roadway that hung like a shelf above the water. Sally and the children gathered nasturtiums and cornflowers and ferns for the house. The place had been woodland only a few years ago, the earth was rich with rotting leaves, and all sorts of lovely forest growths fringed the paths.

When a path is sent on a plain business errand it should never loaf. And yet those lines of a garden's layout which are designed not for business but for pleasure, should never behave as though they were on business; they should loiter just enough to make their guests feel at ease, while not enough to waste time.