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"Is not that fair?" I demanded. "Let the dog choose his master." Du-seen, without waiting for Al-tan's reply, reached for Nobs and grasped him by the scruff of the neck. I did not interfere, for I guessed what would happen; and it did. With a savage growl Nobs turned like lightning upon the Galu, wrenched loose from his hold and leaped for his throat.

"Stop!" he shouted. "Stop, stranger! The beast of Du-seen the Galu follows you." "The dog is not Du-seen's," I replied. "He belongs to my friend, as I told you, and he prefers to stay with me until his master is found." And I turned again to resume my way.

Some of the Galus produce cos-ata-lu and cos-ata-lo both; the Weiroos only cos-ata-lu in other words all Wieroos are born male, and so they prey upon the Galus for their women and sometimes capture and torture the Galu men who are cos-ata-lu in an endeavor to learn the secret which they believe will give them unlimited power over all other denizens of Caspak.

Never had Kro-lu and Galu had friendly relations; by the savage laws of Caspak they were deadly enemies, for only so can the several races maintain their individuality. "Will the Kro-lu join him?" asked Ajor. "Will they invade the country of Jor my father?" "The younger Kro-lu favor the plan," replied the warrior, "since they believe they will thus become Galus immediately.

From the ape the individual, if it survived, slowly developed into the lowest order of man the Alu and then by degrees to Bo-lu, Sto-lu, Band-lu, Kro-lu and finally Galu.

The alliance against Jor the chief had, therefore, been consummated, and this horde was already marching upon the Galu city. I sighed as I thought how close I had been to saving not only Ajor but her father and his people from defeat and death. Beyond the swamp was a dense wood.

To speak always of a beautiful young girl as a "she" may be literal; but it seems far from gallant. The Kro-lu concentrated his steady, level gaze upon me for at least a full minute. Then he spoke again. "Who are you, man of strange skins?" he asked. "Your she is Galu; but you are neither Galu nor Krolu nor Band-lu, nor any other sort of man which I have seen before.

"That is what the people of the Tokelau Islands call O le fati le galu the last great wave, that gathering itself together far out on the ocean, rushes to the reef, and curling high up as the mast of a ship, falls and shakes the land from one side to the other."

I asked them what batu meant, as I had not before heard the word. Literally translated, it is equivalent to through, finished, done-for, as applied to an individual's evolutionary progress in Caspak, and with this information was developed the interesting fact that not every individual is capable of rising through every stage to that of Galu.