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They say you're the squarest Injun that ever swung a rope. But Injun or white, you're a man, an' I wouldn't trust one as far as I could throw a mule by the tail." "Mebbe-so you lak' you com' 'long an' see, eh?" "I got somethin' else to do besides galavantin' 'round the country nights with cowboys an' Injuns." The half-breed laughed and turned to Alice.

Spriggins as "the apple of her eye," but he always came in for a decent share of the scolding. "Now, what that critter is a galavantin' to town and gettin' so many letters is mor'n I can tell. Seems to me he must be neglectin' sumthin', for I tell ye things won't git along without puttin' your shoulder to the wheel." "That's all right Jerushy, but I don't think there is any danger of our Moses.

"He's the tarnationist critter, always a galavantin' roun', an' a gittin' inter somebody's grub." The burro chose to overlook these insults and drew near the fire, unostentatiously. The old prospector slipped him part of his breakfast. "Which way you headin'?" asked the first man, plainly puzzled because I carried neither gun nor mining tools. "To climb Arapahoe peak."

As Ratzger sighed, Jeb remarked philosophically: "Ef you-all'd rather be sittin' at home than a galavantin' round places where money kin be found, Ah b'lieves it's the onny reason you-all is spared whiles your friend is locooed." Ratzger had never heard the term "locooed" so he was not quite sure what Jeb meant.

"Who's goin' ter take hit ter town fer ye?" "I'm goin' to take it for myself." Her reply was given as a matter of course. "That wouldn't hardly be safe, Sally," the miller demurred; "this hain't no time fer a gal ter be galavantin' around by herself in the night time. Hit's a-comin' up ter storm, an' ye've got thirty miles ter ride, an' thirty-five back ter yore house."