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The rascals succeeded in running off all of their loose animals. Four of the men immediately saddled the fleetest of the remaining horses and instantly gave chase. After a quick run they came up with the savages and immediately gave them battle.

By the time the alarmed Fred Linden had his rifle reloaded there was not a buffalo within a hundred yards of him. The one that bore his friend on his back was making as good time as the fleetest and was well toward the head of the drove.

The breech-loaders of my men swallowed my metallic cartridges much faster than I liked to see; but happily there was a lull in the firing, and we were rushing into the village from the west, the south, the north, through the gates and over the tall palings that surrounded the village, like so many Merry Andrews; and the poor villagers were flying from the enclosure towards the mountains, through the northern gate, pursued by the fleetest runners of our force, and pelted in the back by bullets from breech-loaders and shot-guns.

At last, however for supper, alas! like all other earthly pleasures, must come to an end "The fairest still the fleetest" our appetites waned gradually; and notwithstanding Harry's earnest exhortations, and the production of a broiled ham-bone, devilled to the very utmost pitch of English mustard, soy, oil of Aix, and cayenne pepper, by no hands, as may be guessed, but those of that universal genius, Timothy; one by one, we gave over our labors edacious, to betake us to potations of no small depth or frequency.

The Lady Beatrice said not a word, but the tears began to well up sadly in her eyes. "In the wood of Puelle," said Bego, after a pause, "there is said to be a wild boar, the largest and fiercest ever seen. He outruns the fleetest horses. No man can slay him.

"Tell me more." "We lads of Offal Court do strive against each other with the cudgel, like to the fashion of the 'prentices, sometimes." The prince's eyes flashed. Said he "Marry, that would not I mislike. Tell me more." "We strive in races, sir, to see who of us shall be fleetest." "That would I like also. Speak on."

In the little eohippus was potentially the horse we know, as surely as the oak is potential in the acorn, or the bird potential in the egg, whatever element of mystery may enter into the problem. In fields where speed wins, the fleetest are the fittest. In fields where strength wins, the strongest are the fittest.

The hunter mounts his fleetest horse, and takes with him a strong cord of a considerable length; when he sees one of the wild kind which he destines for his prey, he pursues it at full speed, and never fails to overtake it by the superior swiftness of his horse.

In this abode the friends passed a short period of delightful and improving intercourse with the sage Logestilla and her virtuous court; and then each departed, Rogero with the Hippogriff, ring, and buckler; Astolpho with his golden lance, and mounted on Rabican, the fleetest of steeds.

Let us take the case of a wolf, which preys on various animals, securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness; and let us suppose that the fleetest prey, a deer for instance, had from any change in the country increased in numbers, or that other prey had decreased in numbers, during that season of the year when the wolf is hardest pressed for food.