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"Wal, I shore was achin' fer trouble," drawled his faithful ally, King. The flagman, Casey, removed his black pipe to remark, "All thet cloimb without a foight'" General Lodge's first word to Colonel Dillon was evidently inspired by Casey's remark. "Colonel, did you have steep work getting up to us?" "Yes, indeed, straight up out of the valley," was the rejoinder.

Picking like a trained beast its backward steps, with cautious strength the throbbing machine, storm-crusted and storm-beaten, hissing its steady defiance at its enemy, halted, and Gertrude was lighted and handed across the short path, passed up inside the canvas door by Glover and helped to the fireman's box. Out in the storm she heard from the conductor and flagman rough shouts of good luck.

They welcomed him loudly. The conductor shook his head. The flagman on the end of the train had helped the boy aboard the last car as the train started to move. "Keep him here!" commanded the conductor. "And I've a mind to have both doors of the car locked until we reach Logwood. Don't let me hear anything more from you boys and girls on this journey."

The engine bell was ringing monotonously and the whistle sounded three short blasts, while the passengers clambered up the steps of the coaches or backed away from the track. "Let's walk to the side track, it's only a little way." Alice pointed to where the flagman stood beside the open switch.

If we sidetrack the car here with the conductor and flagman they can stay with the operator and you and I can take the cab into Medicine Bend." "Whatever you think best." "I hate to suggest it." "It is my fault. Shall we go now?" "As soon as we sidetrack the car. Meantime" he spoke earnestly "remember it may mean life bundle yourself up in everything warm you can find." "But you?"

At every cow-path that crossed our track stood a flagman waving his little red flag to the train as it passed, apparently in burlesque imitation of a regular road. Little has ever been known in our country of that magnificent whole, of which this and other bridges of solid masonry are but parts.

Then he whirled around in the swing chair and scowled up at the little dial in the end of the car; scowled at the speed-recorder, and went to the door to summon the flagman. "What's the matter with Olson?" he demanded. "Has he forgotten how to run since he left the Plug Mountain? Climb up over the coal and tell him that forty miles an hour won't do for me to-night."

However, we thought of how differently the watchful buoy-tender would be regarded by the heavy laden freighters that would pass that way, their rusty hulls plowing deep. To them how important that each buoy, each inanimate flagman of the river route, should stand true where danger lies and truly point the fairway.

Though we did not realize it at the time, this was destined to be only a place to winter, a way station on our route to Oregon. My first introduction to an Iowa winter was in a surveyor's camp on the western borders of the state. This was a little north of Kanesville, now Council Bluffs. I began as cook for the camp, but very soon changed this position for that of flagman.

When are you goin' to git a job?" "Well, you might say I had one now. Leastwise I'm a followin' Scriptures and bearin' one another's burdens. Jires, the flagman, over to the Junction has been laid up with rheumatism and he don't want the boss to know it. He sets in his box and hires me to go out and flag the trains like he tells me to." "How many trains a day?"