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Mark the sad cadence of the fivefold refrain, 'Ye have not returned unto Me, saith the Lord. The 'unto' implies reaching the object to which we turn, and is not the less forcible but more usual word found in this phrase, which simply means 'towards' and indicates direction, without saying anything as to how far the return has gone.

In addition to these the Russians lost a considerable number of prisoners. Austro-Hungarian troops fighting along the bend of the Styr, opposed for four weeks past to hostile forces which have increased from threefold to fivefold superiority, found it necessary to withdraw their advanced lines which were exposed to a double outflanking movement.

Of these, the Senecas at the western end of the "Long House," as they called their fivefold league, were by far the most powerful, for they could muster as many warriors as all the four remaining tribes together; and they now sought to draw the confederacy into a series of wars, which, though not directed against the French, threatened soon to involve them.

Meredith had been loud and frequent in complaints over his lack of stock and labour with which to cultivate his farm. Had he been better situated, however, it is probable that his groans would have been multiplied fivefold, for he would have seen whatever he did rendered useless by this march and counter-march of belligerents.

The conclusion therefore is that the breath, in its fivefold form of prana, apana, and so on, subserves the purposes of the individual soul, and thus occupies the position of an instrument, no less than the eye and the other organs. To this the next Sutra replies. It is designated as having five functions like mind. Up. Here terminates the adhikarana of what is 'a modification of air. Up. Up.

All this universe of mobile and immobile objects hath for its component parts these five entities. Everything, in respect of its creation and destruction, is referable to this fivefold entity. These five entities occur in all existent things. Which amongst them are the senses and which the attributes? How may this be understood? ""Vyasa said, 'I shall explain thee this duly one after another.

Since the publication of Governor Altgeld's reason for his liberation of the three incarcerated Haymarket Anarchists, no doubt is left that a fivefold legal murder had been committed in Chicago, in 1887. Very few have grasped the significance of the Chicago martyrdom; least of all the ruling classes.

The army amounting to about 2000 men, which Catilina found on his arrival, had increased nearly fivefold by the numerous recruits who flocked in, and already formed two tolerably full legions, in which however only about a fourth part of the men were sufficiently armed.

The whole state was in terror. The name of Morgan was on every tongue; his force was magnified fivefold. General Boyle, in command of the Department of Kentucky, was deluged with telegrams imploring assistance. He in turn deluged General Halleck, General Buell, and even President Lincoln. “Send me troops, or Kentucky is lost. John Morgan will have it,” he said.

The boy's eye had been caught by a split-,reed screen that hung on a slew between the veranda pillars, and, mechanically, he had tweaked the edge to set it level. Old Chinn had sworn three times a day at that screen for many years; he could never get it to his satisfaction. His son entered the anteroom in the middle of a fivefold silence.