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Updated: September 11, 2024
"With much pleasure," he answered, rising from the rock whereon, as he spoke about his picture, he had again seated himself. He was a fine-built, black-bearded, sunburnt fellow, with clear gray eyes notwithstanding, a rather Roman nose, and good features generally.
He remarked this to his brother beeldars, saying, "This fine-built stranger ought to be considered as our guest. Let us show him all courtesy, for he is of our profession, and therefore we shall not do ourselves credit, if we do not prove that we have the power to serve him."
"Is it?" "Yes, and I should say she is bespoke that tall, fine-built gentleman. But I suppose you care no more for his feelings than you do for mine." "Phoebe," said the egotist, "I will not try to deceive you. You have often said you are my true friend." "And I think I have proved it." "That you have. Well, then, be my true friend now. I am in love really in love this time.
Burchill since he left and that's six months since." Mr. Halfpenny contrived to give his companion a nudge of the elbow. "Is it, indeed, ma'am?" he said. "Ah! That gentleman who called, now? I think he must be a friend of ours, who didn't know we were coming. What was he like, now, ma'am?" "He was a tallish, fine-built gentleman," answered the landlady. "Fresh-coloured, clean-shaved gentleman.
He remarked this to his brother beeldars, saying, "This fine-built stranger ought to be considered as our guest. Let us show him all courtesy, for he is of our profession, and therefore we shall not do ourselves credit if we do not prove that we have the power to serve him."
"You old bachelors are rather hard," said Sir Charles, not very well pleased. "We are obliged to be; you parents are so soft. After all, it is no wonder. What a superb boy it is! Here is nurse. I'm so sorry. By-the-by, talking of parsons, what has become of Angelo?" "He has been away a good many years. Consumption, I hear." "He was a fine-built fellow too; was he not, Lady Bassett?"
There are popular prejudices, you know, and he mightn't like it. Wait till he comes to be more intimate with me. He's a fine-built chap, an't he? 'A powerful fellow indeed!
He was a little man no larger than yerself, with hair the colour of an amber pipe stem. They buried him at Samarkand. I was at the wake, sir. Oh, he was a fine-built man in his coffin, six feet long, with black whiskers to his face. And I see 'em throw turnips at the Imperor Vispacian in Africa. All over the world I have tramped, sir, without the body of me findin' any rest. 'Twas so commanded.
The valley, scarcely a hundred yards wide at the entrance, gradually widened. We climbed up the wild rocks, ascending higher and higher, startling a number of goats, which scrambled off leaping from crag to crag; some of them fine-built old fellows with long beards, who looked as if they must have been well acquainted with Robinson Crusoe himself.
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