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"In other words, I'm not to be depended upon," Amanda said, laughing. "I told him that table was for the favors, and had to stay where it was." "That's true, Jack," Kitty called from the porch, where she and Ferren were struggling with rugs and Indian blankets. "Amanda's perfectly dependable. That's her one accomplishment making the truth go as far as possible!" "See?"

Some one announced supper, and Blue Bonnet and Knight wended their way toward the dining-room. Kitty came into view at the same moment. Alec and her cousin Ferren were both claiming her company for refreshments. "Go get Debby, Ferren," Blue Bonnet heard Kitty say. "I'm taking care of Alec to-night. He's going away to-morrow and we sha'n't see him again for ages."

"Boys," she called to her cousins, who were finishing a hasty lunch in the dining-room, "you'll have to hurry. It's a quarter past seven this blessed minute. How long does it take you to get into evening clothes?" "Not as long as it takes you by an hour," Ferren called back. "We'll go up to dress at eight, and then hang round for you." "Don't you ever think it! I dress like chain lightning.

See that table where Sarah is sitting? Come over and I'll explain." Which she did, a little to Knight's bewilderment. The rooms began to fill up. On the up-stairs landing violins squeaked in the tuning. Ferren, who was to lead the cotillion with Kitty, chose six couples for the first figure, and the dance began. Alec and Knight both stood before Blue Bonnet.

But, sure enough, at a quarter past eight, Ferren, true to his word, emerged immaculate from his bedroom, and commenced beating a tattoo on Kitty's door. "Go away!" Kitty called. "We're all ready. We're just resting a minute." But Ferren, laughing scornfully, kept up the noise until the girls appeared. Kitty opened the door and gave him a push. "Go away now. You see we are dressed!

Kitty was giving a cotillion, an event of some importance in Woodford. Kitty's two cousins from Medford, Jack and Ferren Allen Amherst men home for vacation had come over to help with arrangements and make themselves generally agreeable at the party. "What am I to do with this, Kitty?" Jack asked, lifting a table. "Amanda says it stays here. Is that right?"