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This man, sublime after the manner of that nameless soldier who died in saving Napoleon by a "qui vive," lived at the ministry. In ten minutes Jules was in his friend's office. Jacquet gave him a chair, laid aside methodically his green silk eye-shade, rubbed his hands, picked up his snuff-box, rose, stretched himself till his shoulder-blades cracked, swelled out his chest, and said:

Dudley, he only smiles and shakes his head. Then off he toddles, wearin' his old ink-stained office coat and even keepin' on the green eye-shade. Well, I don't know how long they had him on the grill; but it couldn't have been more'n half an hour, for along about three o'clock I strolls into the audit department, and there's old Dudley back on his perch writin' away again.

Frank opened his windows with care, donned the old bath-robe which was his armor for the battle intellectual, put on his eye-shade over his straight brown hair, and opened his Pollock. At this hint the others slipped out; only Jimmie Mason lingered, his gaze on the shadowy hills with their faint fringe of dark green, the dregs of his pipe purring in the stillness.

Sir Francis was sitting bent over a litter of papers, with a green eye-shade clamped to his lined forehead and an ill-smelling corn-cob drooping from beneath his unassertive grey moustache. In an arm-chair before the fire Geoff was contentedly dozing with the bog-mud steaming from his boots and a half-cleaned gun across his knees.

Presently the players at the faro table rose and left. The dealer put away his cases. The lookout yawned and took off his green eye-shade. The man with the deformed shoulder and his companion were moving toward White-Eye when The Spider slipped through the doorway and sidled toward the middle of the room. His hat was pushed back. He fumbled at his tie with his right hand. "White-Eye!" he called.

"For the present you will continue at the same salary." "I'll see you eternally cursed if I do," observes Hartley, without changin' his tone a note. "Eh?" gasps Piddie. "Oh, go to thunder, you pin-head!" says Hartley, startin' back for the bond room to collect his eye-shade, cuff protectors and other tools of his trade. "You you're discharged, young man!" Piddie gurgles out throaty.

"Oh, Flora's not so bad as you make her out, the queer, kind little old dowdy only I didn't feel like talking 'parties, and 'who's who, to-night and their being with Mother made it all right for me to leave her." The doctor took off his eye-shade and showed his little wizened face rather paler than usual.

He'll make good with Lutie to push from behind. Awful blow to Mrs. Tresslyn, however. He's a sort of clerk and has to wear sleeve papers and an eye-shade. I shall never forget the day that Lutie bought him back." Simmy chuckled. "Bought him back?" "Yes. She plunked thirty thousand down on the table in my office in front of Mrs. Tresslyn and said 'I sha'n't need a receipt, Mrs. Tresslyn.

The sporting editor led him to the fat, bald-headed man with the green eye-shade. "P. Q.," he said. The city editor looked up. "Here's the young fellow I was telling you about this morning; name's John Gallant."

Finally he glanced up, under a green eye-shade, and shifted his dead cigar from one corner of his mouth to the other. "Smitherton," he instructed, "from now on keep right after the Burton story." Smitherton rolled a cigarette. "The follow-up tomorrow will be a big one, too," he prophesied. "Sure, but I'm not only talking about the follow-up. As to that you handle the introduction and general.