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Updated: October 6, 2024

According to K., teneant has for its subject not sororum filii, but the same subject as exigunt. Heredes properly refers to property, successores to rank, though the distinction is not always observed. Liberi includes both sons and daughters. Patrui, paternal uncles; avunculi, maternal. Propinqui, blood relations; affines, by marriage. Orbitatis pretia. Pretia==proemia. Orbitatis==childlessness.

Cf. also Caes. Defendere, to defend him, when attacked; tueri, to protect him at all times. Praecipuum sacramentum. Their most sacred duty, Guen. and K.; or the chief part of their oath, Gr. Clarescunt tuentur. So Ritter after the best MSS. Al. clarescant tueantur, or tueare. Non nisi. In Cic. usually separated by a word or a clause. In T. generally brought together. Exigunt. They expect.

"Hæc et alia hujusmodi cum protulissem, non valere, nisi eousque, ut decretum sit, si impetrare pacem potuissem vitæ parceretur. Sed non potuit filii stultitia, qui dum jactat opes quæ non sunt, illi quod non erat exigunt." De Vita Propria, ch. x. p. 34. De Vita Propria, ch. x. p. 33.

Sororum filiis idem apud avunculum, qui ad patrem honor. Quidam sanctiorem arctioremque hunc nexum sanguinis arbitrantur, et in accipiendis obsidibus magis exigunt; tanquam et in animum firmius, et domum latius teneant. Heredes tamen successoresque sui cuique liberi: et nullum testamentum. Si liberi non sunt, proximus gradus in possessione fratres, patrui, avunculi.

Wr. takes ad in the sense, in respect to: as in respect to a father, i.e. as they would have, if he were their father. Exigunt, sc. hunc nexum==sororum filios. Tanquam. Like Greek os to denote the views of others, not of the writer. Hence followed by the subj. Et in animum. In==quod attinet ad, in respect to. The commonly received text has ii et animum, which is a mere conjecture of Rhen.

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