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She had a villa upon the Rhine under a hill of vineyards, where she devoted herself she was a widow to matchmaking and belated regrets for the childlessness that necessitated a perpetual borrowing of material for her pursuit.

And when, as time went on, sadness seemed to settle upon him continuously, I knew full well that this disappointment in his wedded life had at last taken complete possession of his mind, to the exclusion of all other matters. "And from the sultana's manner I could see the trepidation that filled her heart the dread that her childlessness might in the end rob her of her husband's love.

"Yes," asserted the publisher, smoothing out the P. Ts.; "the old unreasoned instinct and repugnance will be put on a true basis when it is seen that childlessness is a proof of unworthiness a brand of failure." "As old-maidenhood is, less justly, to-day," I put in. "Quite so," said Marindin eagerly.

And that evening he came back to the village and to Æson's hidden house, and he told his master how he had prospered. Æson was content thereafter although he was lonely and although his wife was lonely in their childlessness. But the time came when they rejoiced that their child had been sent into an unreachable place. For messengers from King Pelias came inquiring about the boy.

There was that, too, within her breast which filled her with lofty and pardonable pride, for she awaited her husband's return to communicate to him the royal secret of a woman's life. Miriam and Matthias or Matt, as she called him had been seven years married, the only shadow of their home being its childlessness.

Celibacy and childlessness became more and more common, especially among the upper classes.

Services dutifully rendered to the preceptor destroys sin. Pride destroys even great fame. The possession of three children destroys the reproach of childlessness, and the possession of ten kine dispels the reproach of poverty.

March wondered why there had been no children. He was not inclined to accept the obvious explanation that she hadn't wanted any. She had spoken once of her childlessness in a tone that didn't quite square with that explanation. Nor had she said it quite as she would, had she felt that her husband shared equally in her disappointment.

It was his child that she was having. If for the operation then he condemned them both to childlessness. And for what else had he married her but to have a lawful heir? And his father at death's door, waiting for the news! 'It's cruel! he thought; 'I ought never to have such a thing to settle! It's cruel! He turned towards the house. Some deep, simple way of deciding!

This reference to Napoleon's childlessness and the dependence of his system on his single life is clear enough. The Emperor of the French was himself thoroughly aware of the influence exerted by such a consideration upon the course of affairs, and in consequence his dealing with Francis was somewhat less peremptory than that with Frederick William.