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If this paste like substance be allowed to remain on the skin, it might produce either an excoriation, or a "breaking-out" Besides, it is impossible, if that tenacious substance be allowed to remain on it, for the skin to perform its proper functions. Have you any general observations to make on the washing of a new-born infant?

Wakefield, aged 36, had an extensive ulceration with excoriation on the upper part of the right breast, of two months continuance; it had been greatly aggravated by improper treatment. I applied the lunar caustic over the whole ulcerated and excoriated surface. It gave much pain. On the following day I was concerned to find that part of the eschar had been separated by the patient's dress.

Sometimes our meetings would be attended by pro-slavery lookers-on, usually unknown, until excoriation of the Northern abettors of slavery was too severe to allow them to remain incognito, when they would reply: It is a sad commentary on a phase of human nature that the oppressed often, when vaulted into authority or greater equality of condition, become the most vicious of oppressors.

The irritation of the urine produces rawness and excoriation of the skin of the prepuce, contact with intestinal contents not in themselves very abnormal, an intractable dermatitis of the buttocks or a persistent diarrhoea and enteral catarrh.

The signs will best be ascertained by the patient's own account, but there will be pains in the head, stomach and back, with inflammation, difficulty of breathing and excoriation of the matrix.

The trees grew wild, sometimes sturdily like our oaks, and sometimes gnarled and twisted like our seaside cedars, and in every state of excoriation. The bark is taken from them each seventh year, and it begins to be taken long before the first seventh. The tender saplings and the superannuated shell wasting to its fall yield alike their bark, which is stripped from the roots to the highest boughs.

The fruit was extremely refreshing; the envelope, however, contained such an acrid juice that it ate into and discoloured my skin, and raised blisters wherever it touched it: these blisters were not only followed by a simple excoriation, but by a deep and painful ulceration.

Progress of My Amour My Journey to Otranto I Enter the Service of Madame F. A Fortunate Excoriation The room I entered was full of people. His excellency, seeing me, smiled and drew upon me the attention of all his guests by saying aloud, "Here comes the young man who is a good judge of princes." "My lord, I have become a judge of nobility by frequenting the society of men like you."

"Yes, captain; I have been practising surgery in this place for twenty years, and in a very poor way, for I had nothing to do, except a few cases of bleeding, of cupping, and occasionally some slight excoriation to dress or a sprained ankle to put to rights. I did not earn even the poorest living. "But how so?" "In this way, captain.

By this strange condition of the parts, the eyeball continued greatly irritated by the constant friction of the lashes; water was continually flowing over the lids, and from its irritating character produced considerable excoriation of the face and muzzle.