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Even among ourselves the tendency shows in such phenomena as the current popular evangelism an eloquent, if artfully calculated and vulgarized preaching of the purely personal virtues, with an ignorance that there is a social problem in modern civilization, profound as that displayed by a mediaeval churchman.

Well, the anniversaries could not live on pap and confectionery, and so they died for lack of strong meat. But the day of resurrection will come. Mark that! The tide of Bible evangelism will come up again. We may be dead, but our children will see it.

And therefore the new evangelism must learn to find its motive not in self-love, no matter how refined, but in the love that identifies the self with the neighbor.

The old evangelism you remember its key-note, the old revival meeting, in which skilful word painting presented the two extremes, heaven and hell. And when the emotional nature was wrought up to the desired pitch and fear to the right degree, a choice was demanded, conversion, it was called.

A great international evangelism is being poured out by Home Missions; for these Christians that are "scattered abroad go everywhere preaching the gospel." A noted Japanese evangelist, Rev. In Hawaii, as a result of his three months of labor, one thousand Japanese and Koreans accepted Christ.

Now I cut off those bad ways. I am happy. I have a Christian home with my wife and my child." This testimony was true. All there knew him to be an industrious, upright, manly Indian, one of the two hundred members of this church, all of whom had, in a few years, been led from the old life of degradation to the pleasant, wholesome peace of the Jesus Road. "Missionary work begins with evangelism.

There is no more sobbing, no more desperate praying, no more shouting; all is "decent and in order," as well it may be, for all is dead. Honor to soul-saving! Show us the man who wins men to our Master, that we may clasp his hand and look into his face. Right here hangs all the discussion about evangelism.

In addition the tendency of foreigners is to throw off religion along with other compulsory things that belonged to the Old World life and to add to the number of the unchurched. 303. =Evangelism and the History of Religious Conviction.= A second function of the church is to exert spiritual and moral suasion. It is a social instinct to communicate ideas; language developed for that purpose.

The question now to be solved was: What attitude would the anarchist adopt to this new evangelism? I was ready to start on my journey when there began such a blizzard as is occasionally described in the literature of Polar exploration. For forty-eight hours from the south came a furious gale.

Dear Commander Booth: I have known the Salvation Army from its beginning. The mother of the Salvation Army was Mrs. Catherine Booth, and her common sense and Christian spirit laid the foundations; while her husband, General William Booth, in his impressive frame, fertility of ideas, and invincible spirit of evangelism always seemed to me as if he were closely related to St.