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The patient related that from his infancy he had been the subject of acid eructations, and at the age of thirty he commenced rumination as a means of relief. To those who are interested in the older records of these cases Percy and Laurent offer the descriptions of a number of cases.

This forms an appetizing and lordly dish, provocative of abundant eructations a sign of good breeding in these parts, wound up with a long-drawn "Praise be to God" at the close of a regular "tuck in" with Nature's spoon, the fist. A similar preparation is hand-rolled vermicelli, cooked in broth or milk, if obtainable.

He made fun of the several divines engaged in the affair, and accused them of trickery and presumption in their conduct of the case. Of course Taylor was answered, and with a bitterness equal to his own. Thomas Jollie replied in A Vindication of the Surey Demoniack. O, the Eructations of an exulcerated Heart! How desperately wicked is the Heart of Man!"

Acid taste in the mouth, with violent burning pain extending into the oesophagus and stomach, and commencing immediately on the poison being swallowed; eructations, constant retching, and vomiting of brown, black, or yellow matter containing blood, coagulated mucus, epithelium, or portions of the lining membrane of the gullet and stomach.

As the tea drew to an end, and the plates of toast, bread and butter, and tea-cake grew emptier, and the slop-basin filled, and only Maggie's flowers remained fresh and immaculate amid the untidy debris of the meal; and as Edwin and Clara became gradually indifferent to jam, and then inimical to it; and as the sounds of the street took on the softer quality of summer evening, and the first filmy shades of twilight gathered imperceptibly in the corners of the room, and Mr Clayhanger performed the eructations which signified that he had had enough; so Mrs Hamps prepared herself for one of her classic outbursts of feeling.

They make love with the female guards of the palace and dress in the same style as their master. They become so shameless as to indulge in eructations and the like, and expectorate in the very presence of their master, O tiger among kings, and they do not fear to even speak of him with levity before others.

By loading the stomach, digestion is impeded; for the natural juice of the stomach, which is the great medium of digestion, has not then room to exert itself. The stomach therefore nauseates its contents, and is troubled with eructations; the spirits are oppressed, obstructions ensue, and disease is the consequence.

Anything that causes eructations of gases is of benefit, as spirit of peppermint, aromatic spirit of ammonia or plain hot water. If there is hyperacidity of the stomach, sodium bicarbonate or milk of magnesia will be of benefit. The ability of some patients to stand a rapid heart action without noting it or being incapacitated by it is astonishing.