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He informs them that, as they have had an opportunity of hearing the gospel preached, and might, but for their own perverseness, have received episcopalian baptism, God will, by an extraordinary act of power, bestow immortality on them in order that they may be tormented for ever and ever, No man abhorred the growing latitudinarianism of those times more than Dodwell.

Shepstone tentatively. For indeed he had not many ideas a fact which the others charitably put down to his being an Episcopalian. Really he wanted to find out what they thought before committing himself. "Tempestuous Theophilus!" cried the General, who in the presence of the Doctor always swore by unknown saints to relieve himself, as was thought "but 'tis more serious than you think.

Beyond this circle a vast assemblage of ladies and gentlemen filled up the room. Silence, deep and undisturbed, even by a whisper, prevailed. When, at the appointed hour, the officiating clergyman said, "I am the resurrection and the life," the entire audience rose, and joined in the burial service of the Episcopalian Church.

The Episcopalian Churchman, in this country or in the United States, will certainly nowhere find presented to him in poetical form so dignified and comprehensive a record of the struggles and the glories, of the vicissitudes and the edification, of the great body to which he belongs.

He shaved every day, wore a frock-coat and a high hat to church where for ten years he was the only male member of the Episcopalian flock and Mrs. Conklin told the women that altogether he was a credit to his sex and his family a remark which was passed about ribaldly in town for a dozen years, though Mortimer Conklin never knew that he was the subject of a town joke.

Of course I have met, and cheerfully admit that there is thousands of good Catholics; but Catholicism is contrary to human liberty. Catholicism bases salvation upon belief. Catholicism teaches man to trample his reason under foot. And for that reason, it is wrong. Now, the next Church that comes along in the way that I wish to speak of is the Episcopalian.

The great majority of the Parliament were averse from any alterations in the constitution or doctrine of the Church itself; and it was only the refusal of the bishops to accept any diminution of their power and revenues, the growth of a party hostile to Episcopalian government, the necessity for purchasing the aid of the Scots by a union in religion as in politics, and above all the urgent need of constructing some new ecclesiastical organization in the place of the older organization which had become impossible from the political attitude of the bishops, that forced on the two Houses the adoption of the Covenant.

The newcomers were all nice people and the right hand of good-fellowship was extended and accepted in the true spirit. In addition to the many beautiful new houses there had been erected a small but very pretty stone church of Episcopalian denomination. At the time the building of the church was planned, I remember a conversation on the subject that afterwards seemed prophetic.

Among the Arminians denounced as notorious are Paul Best again, Paul Hobson, but especially John Goodwin again, and the Episcopalian and Royalist Dr. Henry Hammond, whose Practical Catechism, published in 1644, is cited as full of Arminian error. Among the Antinomians are denounced Randall, Simson, Eaton, Crisp, and Erbury; among the Seekers, Saltmarsh and Jos.

To travel on Sunday, and particularly to do so without an opportunity of preaching, will be very hard. There will probably be only 4 passengers besides myself on the return. "It is supposed to be 500 miles from St. Louis to Prairie du Chien and 300 from there to St. Peters. We stopt at Prairie du Chien for some hours and a Judge Lockwood came on board who with his wife is an Episcopalian.