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It were one man thet done it his hoss shod all around 'ceptin' left hind foot. 'Twere too dark to track after I lost him in thu timber, but the whole cavvy is scattered to hell an' gone. Say, Ken, I'm goin' to rue back on that promise; an' I don't see as it's eggsactly fair on the other boys, either.

"Don't look like none o' the women folk about yere," he replied, finally. "She ain't their kind." "What d'ye mean by that?" "Dunno eggsactly. She's mighty white 'n' young-lookin' 'n' delicate but that ain't all." Tom made a restless movement.

I am noble, and most be so accordingly." "What steps do you propose to take?" inquired Bunker with perfect gravity. The Baron stared at the picture. "Last night I had a dream. It vas zat man at least, probably it vas, for I cannot remember eggsactly. He did pursue me mit a kilt." "With what did you defend yourself?" "I know not: I jost remember zat it should be a warning.

"There is plenty of room." "Good! Then upstairs be it. What was that about hens and eggs and things, Ande?" "Oh, we can't get out to the hen-house, you know. We tried to make a path but it was too hard work for us so we gave it up." "I should remark. Well, that will be done first thing in the morning, and I'll go see what I can find. Eggsactly, as it were. What about the fires? Any coal up here?"

But, yer see, when I got him he was a broken-down cow hoss what hed been ridden ter death an' fed on sand an' alkali water so long thet he wa'n't much good nohow." "Jest picked him up wanderin'?" "Not eggsactly. Yer see, it wuz this way: I was coming ercross Noo Mexico about a month back, when I runs foul o' a hombre what is all in.

But the erstwhile pallid face was now justifying his nickname and his eyes were black with menace. "Thet's not eggsactly squar' now, is it?" His voice was almost pleading, the trembling hands alone betrayed the strain he was laboring under.