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A larger house was taken on the outskirts of Paris; good country girls who were ready to give their services without payment were encouraged to devote themselves to the work, and Louise le Gras, with all the enthusiasm of her unselfish nature, set to work to train the little company to efficiency.

Augereau was vainglorious and bitter, Masséna felt that he had not received his due meed of praise for Bassano, and both had sympathizers even in the ranks. This was inevitable, considering Bonaparte's policy and system, and somewhat interfered with the efficiency of his work.

The report of the Secretary of the Navy presents a comprehensive and satisfactory exhibit of the affairs of that Department and of the naval service. It is a subject of congratulation and laudable pride to our countrymen that a Navy of such vast proportions has been organized in so brief a period and conducted with so much efficiency and success.

If this cannot be had, a good hot footbath, with the heat kept just comfortable for half-an-hour or more, will do very well. This should be done at the earliest possible moment. It will add greatly to the efficiency of such treatment if hot water can be had to drink in small quantities, and often. A few drops of cayenne "tea" in the water will act as a gentle stimulant.

Because of his disregard of self he was able to operate the machine, to choose the power, the speed, the guidance, the going with the best judgment and highest efficiency possible. Madeline knew he would get her to Mezquital in time to save Stewart or he would kill her in the attempt. The white, narrow road flashed out of the foreground, slipped with inconceivable rapidity under the car.

A rapid succession of unstable ministries, which the group system in French parliamentary politics encouraged, militated against sound and continuous administration; and in April 1914 a series of revelations in the Senate had thrown an unpleasant light upon the efficiency of the army organization.

While the world that surrounded and hemmed them and their fellows in might or must be regarded as unchanging and unchangeable, doomed for ever to reproduce and monotonously reiterate whatsoever it had once done and been, the mind or spirit of Man in its own realm seemed capable of going beyond all its past achievements and rising to new heights, not merely here and there or in isolated instances but in such numbers or masses as to raise for long periods of history the general level of human efficiency and welfare.

Are children doomed to a monotonous dietary, or a dietary that is deficient in nutritiveness? Their ultimate physical power, and their efficiency as men and women, will inevitably be more or less diminished by it. They are certain to fall below that measure of health and strength to which they would else have attained.

I rode back the best part of the way, and found the major, the adjutant, and Wilde fortifying themselves with eggs and bacon. "We'll look round for a better protected headquarters than this after breakfast," said the major briskly. "When I've had a shave, sir," I answered appealingly. "I can't maintain my efficiency without a shave, you know."

Nowhere are the qualities of persistent effort and interest of such importance as in industry, and nowhere so well rewarded. In the habits of efficiency we have a group of mechanically performed actions and stereotyped reactions essential for work. Except in certain high kinds of work, which depend upon originality and initiative, method, neatness and exactness are essential.