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His next was The Shepherd's Garland , afterwards reprinted as Eclogues. Three historical poems, Gaveston , Matilda , and Robert, Duke of Normandie followed, and he then appears to have collaborated with Dekker, Webster, and others in dramatic work. The rushing verse is full of vigour and gusto.

The first production of Virgil was his Bucolics, consisting of ten eclogues, written in imitation of the Idyllia or pastoral poems of Theocritus. It may be questioned whether any language which has its provincial dialects, but is brought to perfection, can ever be well adapted, in that state, to the use of pastoral poetry.

The Shepherd's Calendar hath much poetry in his eclogues: indeed worthy the reading, if I be not deceived. That same framing of his style to an old rustic language I dare not allow, sith neither Theocritus in Greek, Virgil in Latin, nor Sannazar in Italian, did affect it. For it is faulty both in place and time, the two necessary companions of all corporal actions.

I really have not time to look it over, and am growing so drowsy, that you will, I hope, pardon all its errors, when you consider that my pen writes in its sleep. SPA, July 6th. From Utrecht to Bois le Duc nothing but sand and heath; no inspiration, no whispering foliage, not even a grasshopper, to put one in mind of Eclogues and Theocritus.

The story of Vergil's tiff with a soldier, for example, is apparently an inference from Menalcas' experience in Eclogue IX. 15; but "Menalcas" appears in four other Eclogues where he cannot be Vergil. The poet indeed was at Naples, as the eighth Catalepton proves.

Attacking the pastoral tragi-comedy, the critic remarks: 'Until the other day similar compositions were represented under the name of eclogues at festivals and banquets, ... but now of a sudden they have been fashioned of the extension of comedies and tragedies in five acts . It will be noticed that in his reply Guarini makes no attempt to question the underlying identity of the pastoral tragi-comedy with the dramatic eclogue, but contents himself with very justly asserting the right of the latter to develop into a mature literary form.

His poems include In a Music Hall , Fleet Street Eclogues , Baptist Lake , New Ballads , The Last Ballad , The Triumph of Mammon , and among his plays are Bruce , Smith: a Tragic Farce , Godfrida . D. disappeared on March 27, 1909, under circumstances which left little doubt that under the influence of mental depression he had committed suicide.

It consists of twelve pastoral poems, or eclogues, one for each month of the year. The themes are generally rural life, nature, love in the fields; and the speakers are shepherds and shepherdesses. To increase the rustic effect Spenser uses strange forms of speech and obsolete words, to such an extent that Jonson complained his works are not English or any other language.

"I think I'd begin with 'The Gods of Greece' Louis Dyer, you know and then I'd read them a few carefully-selected passages from the 'Phædrus. Then, by way of something lighter, and more appropriate to their circumstances, I'd give them a course of Virgil the 'Georgics', because, I suppose, most of them are connected with farming, and the 'Eclogues, to initiate them into the poetical side of country life.

Events conspired to make Vergil the model for later writers of eclogues. The fame of the poet was a potent cause among many. Another reason why Theocritus found no direct imitators may be sought in the respective methods of the two poets. Work of the nature of the Idyls has to depend for its value and interest upon the artistic qualities of the poetry alone.