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Cambray, who was quietly reading, said she supposed they were in their gardens; and not in the least suspecting Sir Ulick's suspicions, she was glad to see him, and gave credit to his neighbourly good-will for the earliness of this visit, without waiting even for the doctor to pay his respects first, as he intended to do at Castle Hermitage.

The Egyptian Turnip Beet is the best very early variety, and can be planted closely, as it has a small top; the Bassano is next in earliness, and requires more room; the Early Blood Turnip is the best for a general crop and winter use.

Queensland is almost outside the limit of the successful growth of this fruit, but not quite, as we produce the first fruit to ripen in Australia, which realises a high price on account of its earliness.

Once more he had exasperatingly proved his perfection. He had not gone to bed and forgotten a window. But he had risen with exemplary earliness to give air to the house. "'d mornin', miss," mumbled the unsmiling Aguilar, impassively, as though Audrey had never been away from Moze. "Well, Aguilar." "I didn't expect ye so early, miss." "But how could you be expecting me at all?"

With Scott, Miss Austen is the parent of nineteenth century fiction; or, to speak with greater exactness, she is the mother of the nineteenth century novel, just as he is the father of the nineteenth century romance. One indeed of the most wonderful things about her is her earliness.

The earliness of the climate and the natural richness of the land is the secret of the intensive cultivation which the Vale presents, and year by year more and more acres pass out of the category of farming into that of market-gardening and fruit-growing. The climate, however, though invaluable for early vegetable crops, is a source of danger to the fruit.

Not very long after his arrival at the mill, Dagworthy himself appeared. Hood's evil conscience led him to regard with apprehension every unusual event. Dagworthy's unwonted earliness was still troubling his mind, when a messenger summoned him to the private room.

Gibson to himself at night, as over his daybooks he reviewed the events of the day. 'And then his pulse. But how often we're all mistaken; and, ten to one, my own hidden enemy lies closer to me than his does to him even taking the worse view of the case. Osborne made his appearance a considerable time before luncheon the next morning; and no one objected to the earliness of his call.

What fruit we do grow is good, and pays well on account of its earliness, but I do not consider that this State will ever be able to compete with the South in the growth of the cherry. Many kinds of pears do well, but, unfortunately, this fine fruit is very liable to be attacked by fruit fly.

What it lacked in the earliness of coming it made up in the vigor of arrival. It had in it all the human qualities, that is, the wicked or menacing ones hunger, derision, revenge, desire for blood and threat of death. Tandakora, veteran of a hundred battles, one of the fiercest warriors that ever ranged the woods, shook.