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Durgin's question, "Has that Miller girl " "It isn't about her," said Cynthy, pushing the door to. "It's about me and Jeff." Mrs. Durgin became aware of Jeff's presence with an effect of surprise. "There a'n't anything more, is there?" "Yes, there is!" Cynthia shrilled. "Now, Jeff!"

Instead of the Irish woman at ten dollars a week who had hitherto been Mrs. Durgin's cook, under her personal surveillance and direction, she had now a man cook, whom she boldly called a chef and paid eighty dollars a month.

Durgin's question, "Has that Miller girl " "It isn't about her," said Cynthy, pushing the door to. "It's about me and Jeff." Mrs. Durgin became aware of Jeff's presence with an effect of surprise. "There a'n't anything more, is there?" "Yes, there is!" Cynthia shrilled. "Now, Jeff!"

Still, he would have liked, if he could, to tell her what he had told her father of Durgin's behavior with Lynde, and let her bring the test of her self-devotion to the case with a clear understanding. He had sometimes been afraid that Whitwell might not be able to keep it to himself; but now he wished that the philosopher had not been so discreet.

An ell had been pushed back on the level behind the house; the barn had been moved farther to the southward, and on its old site a laundry built, with quarters for the help over it. All had been carefully, frugally, yet sufficiently done, and Westover was not surprised to learn that it was all the effect of Jackson Durgin's ingenuity and energy. Mrs.

Richard's sea life, now that he had got at a sufficient distance from it, was a perspective full of pleasant color; he had a taste for reading, a thirst to know things, and his world was not wholly shut in by the Stillwater horizon. It was still a pitifully narrow world, but wide compared with Durgin's, which extended no appreciable distance in any direction from the Stillwater hotel.

The mother of the bold, rebellious boy that Jeff had been stirred in Mrs. Durgin's heart, and she looked at him with the eyes, that used to condone his mischief. But she said: "I guess you'll find out that there's more than one has to agree to that." "Yes, there are two: you and Jackson; and I don't know but what three, if you count Cynthy, here." His mother turned to the girl.

Jeff came fully into the hotel management, and in their business relation Cynthia and he were continually together; there was no longer a question of the Whitwells leaving him; even Jombateeste persuaded himself to stay, and Westover felt obliged to remain at least till the present danger in Mrs. Durgin's case was past. With the first return of physical strength, Mrs.

"Start a movement for that room across the passage; that's mine, too, for the occasion; and save some of these people's lives. It's suffocating in here." "I don't mind saving Mr. Durgin's," said the girl, "if he wants it saved." "Oh, I know he's just dying to have you save it," said the host, and he left them, to inspire other people to follow their example.

She did not refuse the implication of Mrs. Durgin's words, but she would not assume that there was more in them than they expressed. When Jeff came home for the three days' vacation at Thanksgiving, he wished again to relinquish his last year at Harvard, and Cynthia had to summon all her forces to keep him to his promise of staying.