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Through some cause or other, however, they fell away considerably as the game advanced, and J. Campbell scored the first goal for Renton, and this was soon followed by a second from the foot of J. M'Call, the record at half-time being two goals to none in favour of the crack Dumbartonshire club.

In another excavation through the Scotch boulder clay, made in digging the Clyde and Forth Junction Railway, the antlers of a reindeer were found at Croftamie, in Dumbartonshire, in the basin of the river Endrick, which flows into Loch Lomond.

The hills of Dumbartonshire, once possessed by the fierce clan of MacFarlanes, formed a crescent behind the valley, and far to the right were seen the dusky and more gigantic mountains of Argyleshire, with a seaward view of the shattered and thunder-splitten peaks of Arran.

Well, during the previous year, and, in fact, not long after the first International at Partick, new clubs were formed in many quarters, but more particularly Glasgow and Dumbartonshire, and it was on March 13, 1873, that the Queen's Park convened a meeting of representatives of clubs, and what is now known as the Scottish Football Association was formed.

The highest rate in Ireland 3.4 in Ulster is almost the same as the lowest in Scotland in Dumbartonshire and the contrast between the Scottish maximum of 14.3 in Kincardine and the Irish minimum of .7 in Connacht needs no comment.

Whitelaw Reid is noted under Ambassadors. St. Andrew McLean, born in Renton, Dumbartonshire, in 1848, is editor-in-chief of the Brooklyn Citizen, which under his guidance has become an influential paper. Washington McLean and his son, John R. McLean, established one of the greatest newspapers in the Middle West, the Cincinnati Enquirer.

In 1774 he removed to Cardross in Dumbartonshire, where, on the bank of the noble estuary of the Clyde, he spent the last fifteen years of a useful and honoured life. He was twice married. His first wife died at the birth of his first child. Eight years afterwards, in 1757, he espoused Margaret, daughter of Colin Campbell of Inveresragan, who survived him by a single year.

Tobias Smollett was born in the parish of Cardross, in Dumbartonshire, in the year 1721.

Leonard's Crags; and if he found him such as he had been represented, to engage him without delay, and on the most liberal terms, to superintend his fancy-farm in Dumbartonshire. The proposal was made to old David by the gentleman so commissioned, on the second day after his daughter's pardon had reached Edinburgh. His resolution to leave St.

Now, when I think of it, he was severely tackled in this match by H. M'Intyre, and was not in such good form as some of the other forwards. ~R. Paton.~ There are few, if any, old players in Dumbartonshire, and, I should say, spectators as well, who cannot remember the familiar figure of Mr. Robert Paton.