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The double-flowered form, D. crenata flore-pleno, is one of the prettiest flowering shrubs in cultivation, the wealth of double flowers, not white as in the species, but tinged with reddish-purple being highly attractive. D. crenata, Pride of Rochester, is another form with double-white flowers, and a most distinct and beautiful shrub.

There is a charming double-flowered variety named G. hispanica flore-pleno. G. LUSITANICA. Portugal, 1771. This is remarkable for its opposite branches, is of spiny growth, and one of the earliest to appear in flower. G. MONOSPERMA. South Europe, 1690. This has white flowers, and is of value as a seaside shrub, and grows well in almost pure sand. A native of the Mediterranean coast.

The fruits were hard and sour, but they could be buried to ripen. The trees are much like a thorn-apple, low, spreading, twiggy, thorny; but the pink-white large fragrant flowers are very different. The wild crab-apple was called Pyrus coronaria by Linnaeus, the "garland Pyrus." On the prairies is another species, Pyrus ioensis; it yields a charming double-flowered form, "Bechtel's crab."

These flowers are also frequently used externally in discutient and antiseptic fomentations, and in emollient glysters. The double-flowered variety is usually cultivated for medicine, but the wild kind with single flowers is preferable. Similar Plants. Anthemis arvensis; A. Cotula; Pyrethrum maritimum. ANTHEMIS Pyrethrum. PELLITORY OF SPAIN. The Root.

The double-flowered varieties, for which we are much indebted to M. Victor Lemoine, of Nancy, are fast gaining favour with cultivators in this country, and rightly, too, for they include several very handsome, full flowered forms. The following are best known: S. vulgaris Alphonse Lavallee, with full double red flowers, changing to mauve.

It is therefore with delight that one who remembers Everett in his robes of rhetorical splendor, who recalls his full-blown, high-colored, double-flowered periods, the rich, resonant, grave, far-reaching music of his speech, with just enough of nasal vibration to give the vocal sounding-board its proper value in the harmonies of utterance, it is with delight that such a one reads the glowing words of Emerson whenever he refers to Edward Everett.

It is therefore with delight that one who remembers Everett in his robes of rhetorical splendor, who recalls his full-blown, high-colored, double-flowered periods, the rich, resonant, grave, far-reaching music of his speech, with just enough of nasal vibration to give the vocal sounding-board its proper value in the harmonies of utterance, it is with delight that such a one reads the glowing words of Emerson whenever he refers to Edward Everett.

It grows to a height of eight and ten feet and is therefore well adapted to places in the back row, or in the rear of the garden. Its flowers, which are borne in great profusion, are a creamy white, and very sweet-scented. The double-flowered Plum is a most lovely shrub. It blooms early in spring, before its leaves are out.

The double-flowered varieties are very handsome, but they are more suitable for glass culture than planting in the open. Chili. Though sometimes seen growing out of doors, this is not to be recommended for general planting, it being best suited for greenhouse culture. Valdivia, 1845. A small-growing, Myrtle-like shrub, that is only hardy in favoured parts of the country.

A Japanese shrub, the double-flowered variety of which, K. japonica flore-pleno, is one of our commonest wall plants. The orange-yellow flowers, produced in great rosettes, are highly ornamental, and have earned for the shrub a well-known name. It succeeds well almost anywhere, and, though usually seen as a wall plant, is perfectly hardy, and forms a neat shrub for the open border.