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"On Thursday, the 10th September, 1874, at 9.30 p.m., in the gateway between the outer and inner harbour at Lowestoft, Suffolk, James Dorling fell overboard from the yacht Dart whilst she was making for the inner harbour in a strong half-flood tideway, the night very dark, blowing and raining hard, and going about five and a half knots.

"Good evening, Dorling," he said. "Before you do anything else I should advise you to secure those charred fragments of paper from the grate. I know nothing about this affair, but some one has been burning documents." The detective went down on his hands and knees. With delicate touch he rescued all that was possible of them, and made a careful little parcel.

"You must send for the police at once, you know. You, sir," he added, turning to Brendon, "had better take my card round to the police station in Werner Street and ask that Detective Dorling be sent round here at once on urgent business." "Is it necessary to send for the police?" Anna asked. "Absolutely," the doctor answered, "and the sooner the better. This is a case either of suicide or murder.

The length of the gateway was about 350 yards, width 15 to 20 yards, depth 10 ft. to 15 ft. Lieutenant de Hoghton and Dorling were ultimately drawn up the pilework by ropes from the shore."

"And as Morgan, crossing over and looking into the darkness, was trying to see whether this awful news was true, he took a broom-stick, and with a vigorous dash broke down the pipe of communication and told me this morning, with great glee, that he was reminded of that 'aisy sthratagem by remembering his dorling Emilie, when she acted the pawrt of Cora in the Plee and by the bridge in Pezawro, bedad: I wish that scoundrel Morgan had been on the bridge when the general tried his 'sthratagem.

"You would perhaps be so good as to allow one of my men to accompany you and see you settled," Mr. Dorling said deferentially. "In the event of his death we should require you at once to attend at the inquest." "I am going to pack my bag," Anna answered. "In five minutes I shall be ready."

"Then either this man shot himself or some one else shot him immediately before your arrival or rather if it was not himself the person who did it was in the room, say two minutes, before you arrived." "That is so," Anna admitted. "I will not trouble you with any questions about the other occupants of the flats," Mr. Dorling said. "I shall have to go through the building.

"And as Morgan, crossing over and looking into the darkness, was trying to see whether this awful news was true, he took a broomstick, and with a vigorous dash broke down the pipe of communication and told me this morning, with great glee, that he was reminded of that 'aisy sthratagem by remembering his dorling Emilie, when she acted the pawrt of Cora in the Plee and by the bridge in Pezawro, bedad. I wish that scoundrel Morgan had been on the bridge when the General tried his 'sthratagem.