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Outside the gate on the road were drawn up a variety of vehicles, open carriages, dog-carts, gigs, and waggonettes, in some few of which were seated ladies who had come over to see the meet. But Edgehill was, essentially, not a ladies' meet. The distances to it were long, and the rides in Cranby Wood the big wood were not adapted for wheels.

Now the beach is thronged by crowds of many thousands; immense hotels vie with those of the metropolis in grandeur; there are avenues and parks, flying horses, tennis-grounds, shops for the sale of everything that the city affords, and some that it does not, dog-carts and goat-wagons, fruit and peanut-stands, bowling-alleys, shooting-targets, and, in fact, as many devices to empty the pocket-book as are usually found at a cattle-show and a church-fair together.

When the train stopped at the quiet station, a fly and two dog-carts were in waiting to convey the travellers to their homes, but the professor and Esther elected to walk, and then the unexpected happened, for, as Peggy was preparing to drive with the rest, Rob's big figure loomed suddenly beside her, and his voice said: "We will walk, too, Peggy!" and Peggy turned without a word and walked away by his side.

We are all to go if you agree, Agatha." "Oh, yes!" It was quite indifferent to her where she went, or what she did. So they all four started in one of those inimitable conveyances called dog-carts, which seem to offer every facility for "accidental death," either by flying over the horse's head, tumbling under the wheels, or slipping off behind. "Where will you sit, my dear?

It was like a fete by Lancret. I knew from the talk of my fellow-passengers that some people had been going down by an earlier train, and that others were coming by a later. But the 3.30 had brought a full score of us. Us! That was the final touch of beauty. 'Outside there were two broughams, a landau, dog-carts, a phaeton, a wagonette, I know not what.

We would have the cart licensed for the carrying of goods only; or a separate license taken out if it carried or drew a human being. It is here that the cruelty principally exists. Before the dog-carts were put down in the metropolis, we then saw a man and a woman in one of these carts, drawn by a single dog, and going at full trot.

The car of the country, for instance, is the most abominable of all civilised vehicles. Why the numskull who invented the crab-like machine turned it round sidewise is as absolutely inconceivable as that since dog-carts have been introduced into the West the car should survive. But it does survive to the discomfort and fatigue of everybody, and the especial disgust of the writer.

The methods employed for conveyance on common roads were shown by hand-barrows carts trucks drays farm wagons sprinkling carts freight wagons breaks, barges, wagonettes for pleasure parties omnibuses cabs hansoms pleasure carriages, coaches for four or six horses, Victorias, broughams, dog-carts, buggies, phaetons, etc.; besides sleighs snow shoes steam and electric carriages ambulances for the sick and injured hearses; furthermore, bicycles and tricycles rolling chairs for invalids baby carriages; in short, vehicles of every possible description.

So her father and Marget dressed Flora for the kirk, and they went together down the path on which the light had shone that night of her return. There were only two dog-carts in the Free Kirk Session, and Burnbrae was waiting with his for Flora at the foot of the hill. "I bid ye welcome, Flora, in the name o' oor kirk.

"Never mind!" said Molly, sharply; but she crimsoned when he kissed her, and held tightly to his sleeve. "Good ged!" thought Sir Thorald; "what a devil I am with women!" But now the carriages drove up coupés, dog-carts, and a victoria.