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The Captain could hardly force his way through the dense throng, but he made no attempt whatever to gratify their ill dissembled curiosity. "Carriage!" he cried, in a voice seldom heard outside the din of battle. In a moment seventeen able-bodied cabmen were trying to tear him limb from limb. "To the telegraph office!

She was not at all aware of her brother's opinion of her endowments, and so it might be said that the judge had successfully dissembled for more than a quarter of a century, only risking the truth at the times when his cane was lost. On a particular day the judge sat in his armchair on the porch. The sunshine sprinkled through the lilac-bushes and poured great coins on the boards.

So cleverly had she dissembled her emotions that there were times when Mark feared lest he should take her completely by surprise; but in any case the declaration must not much longer be postponed.

Though the blood still waved through me, I squared my shoulders, dissembled a laugh, and stepped before her, and it was I who led the way along the path into the open day of the clearing. There I came face to face with the Professor. First I saw that he was human in shape and attire. Indeed, both his appearance and his occupation were exceedingly commonplace.

Martin was conscious of any great desire to view the little falls at the loch's end, his face most successfully dissembled any such feeling, but to the little falls he must go as the schoolmaster quietly possessed himself of him and led him away, while Miss Cameron, with never a thought of either of them, passed up the broad path into the kirkyard.

He dissembled till the moment of revenge; invited the chiefs to a friendly conference; and punished the innocent and guilty by imprisonment, confiscation, and baptism.

It would cost me much to quarrel with my whole family, the more so as this sacrifice is not useful to you, and would in no wise alter my position with your majesty." However painful to the king such a determination might be, he did not allow the duke to perceive it; he dissembled the resentment he felt, and contented himself with saying,

Such an outrage might have exasperated the patience of the most peaceful sovereign; yet the conqueror of Gaul dissembled the injury, released the tribute, and accepted the alliance, and military service, of the king of Burgundy.

'T were well if you dissembled even a slight preference for Yvonne she will not be misled by it, seeing how unmistakable at all other seasons must be your wooing of Genevieve." He was forced to avow the wisdom of my counsel, and to be guided by it. Nevertheless, I rode back to my hostelry in no pleasant frame of mind.

She produced from behind her back a hand that she had kept there, and held up for Peter's inspection a grey-and-gold bound book. "Apropos of art, I've been reading a novel. Do you know it?" Peter glanced at the grey-and-gold binding and dissembled the emotion that suddenly swelled big in his heart. He screwed his eyeglass into his eye, and gave an intent look.